The direct link is: Rainer Strack: The surprising workforce crisis of 2030 — and how to start solving it now
Please write three paragraphs of analysis, in the following format:
Paragraph 1: Because this Ted Talk has a date of 2014, find confirmatory evidence that what Mr. Strack mentioned (be it a fact, prediction, or proposed solution) still holds true. Be sure to use APA citations. When you are citing evidence, it is not common sense or your impression on things. You need to research some external piece of evidence and cite it using APA citations within the paragraph and be sure to state what specific evidence Mr. Strack discussed or showed that your evidence confirms.
Paragraph 2: Find disconfirming evidence, meaning evidence that suggest that something he said (either a fact, prediction, or solution) is NOT the same as when he stated it, or a prediction that is not coming into reality, or a solution that does not seem logical or wise. Be sure to use APA citations. When you are citing evidence, it is not common sense or your impression on things. You need to research some external piece of evidence and cite it using APA citations within the paragraph and be sure to state what specific evidence Mr. Strack discussed or showed that your evidence contradicts or disconfirms..
Paragraph 3: What is your overall impression of this assigned YouTube video? You are free to have any opinion that you please; simply be sure to support your impression with rationale. For instance you could start a sentence with: "I think that ... because ..." The "why" is very important.