Assume you are a
science teacher at a local elementary school. After teaching for the past 6 months, your principal has noticed you possess some excellent teaching techniques he would like you to share with your colleagues. He has asked you to present a professional development session about teaching STEM in the elementary classroom.
Research the following science and engineering practices for teaching STEM:
· Engineering by design
· Problem-based learning
· Discovery learning
Explore interactive technology tools and virtual reality (VR) applications used in education, such as Labster VR, to understand how immersive reality can change or enhance STEM education.
Assessment Deliverable
Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation in which you showcase the 3 science and engineering practices for teaching STEM that you researched and explain how to utilize each practice in
curriculum planning and instruction.
Include the following strategies for the 3 science and engineering practices (engineering by design, problem-based learning, and discovery learning):
· Classroom setup and student grouping
· Describe how you would set up your classroom and group students.
· Student collaboration
· Describe implementation ideas, including managing collaborative student structures.
· Safety
· Explain methods for ensuring a safe and positive science learning environment.
· Assessment
· Explain strategies for using assessment data to inform planning, instruction, and student learning.
· Student exploration
· Describe opportunities for learners to develop communication skills by asking and responding to questions.
· Questioning techniques
· Explain its purpose and provide at least 3 examples.
· Interactive technology
· Identify interactive technology tools, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), and explain how you would use the tools to foster a culture where learners take ownership of their learning goals.
· Real-world connection
· Explain ways to connect to real-world experiences through experiential learning, such as VR. Provide examples.
Formatting Requirements
Include the following components in your presentation:
· Comprehensive speaker notes for your slides or recorded voiceover in your presentation
· Graphics or images to make it visually appealing
· A title slide
· A references slide for any information and/or images cited
Cite 3 to 5 references to support your assignment and format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your presentation.
Assessment Support
· Review the
for guidance on deliverable expectations.
· If you choose to use Microsoft® PowerPoint®, review the tips for recording voiceover on the
Microsoft 365 Support
· Visit the
Center for Writing Excellence
, access the APA Templates and Samples menu, and review the Sample PowerPoint file to help guide your presentation development and APA formatting. This sample can be helpful, whether you choose to use Microsoft PowerPoint or not