Question :
91. Psychologists adhering to the _____ perspective probably the LEAST likely : 1252695
91. Psychologists adhering to the _____ perspective are probably the LEAST likely to take a “nature” stance on the nature vs. nurture issue.
A. behaviorist
B. cognitive
C. neuroscience
D. evolutionary
92. Which of the following perspectives of psychology emphasizes observable responses?
A. Behavioral
B. Cognitive
C. Neuroscience
D. Psychodynamic
93. Recall Watson’s quote – “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.” Where 1 = extreme nature and 10 = extreme nurture, where would you place Watson on the nature vs. nurture issue?
A. 1 or 2
B. 3 or 4
C. 5 or 6
D. 9 or 10
94. Dr. Quinones studies the achievement motivation of junior high school students. He asserts that such motivation mainly reflects the parenting and educational practices the students have experienced. This statement is most directly related to the _____ issue; Dr. Quinones’ position is toward the _____ end of the continuum.
A. nature vs. nurture; nature
B. nature vs. nurture; nurture
C. observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; observable behavior
D. observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; internal mental processes
95. Dr. Reynolds believes that depression reflects aspects of a patient’s early relationship with her parents of which she may be completely unaware. Dr. Smith, by contrast, argues that depression stems from a patient’s negative self-talk. The two psychologists appear to disagree on the _____ issue.
A. nature vs. nurture
B. conscious vs. unconscious causes
C. free will vs. determinism
D. structuralism vs. functionalism
96. _____ is the idea that people’s behavior is produced primarily by factors outside of their willful control.
A. Naturism
B. Vigilantism
C. Determinism
D. Factualism
97. Individual differences are to universal principles what the _____ perspective is to the _____ perspective.
A. neuroscience; humanistic
B. cognitive; behavioral
C. humanistic; neuroscience
D. behavioral; cognitive
98. Which of the following is NOT a likely trend in psychology’s near future?
A. Psychology will become increasingly specialized.
B. Neuroscientific approaches will have an increasing influence on psychology.
C. Psychology will become an increasingly unified discipline.
D. Diversity will assume increasing importance in psychology.
99. Pablo is taking part in a psychology experiment. He watches two political campaign ads: one highlighting the candidate’s positive attributes, and one emphasizing the opponent’s negative features. During each ad, Pablo’s brain is scanned. This experiment is most likely conducted by a(n) _____ neuroscientist.
A. clinical
B. social
C. behavioral
D. counseling
100. The approach used by psychologists to systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior and other phenomena of interest is called:
A. the trial and error method.
B. the informed speculation method.
C. the scientific method.
D. the educated guessing method.