Question :
40.Research suggests that three of the following characteristics of girls. : 1200669
40.Research suggests that three of the following are characteristics of girls. Which one is not a characteristic of girls?
a.They develop faster than boys.
b.They have slightly higher self-esteem than boys.
c.They develop motor skills at an earlier age than boys.
d.They are more trusting than boys.
41.With respect to gender, research suggests that three of the following are characteristic of the school curriculum and boys’ experiences. Which one is not a characteristic of the school curriculum and boys’ experiences?
a.Boys are portrayed in stories as warm and sensitive.
b.The main characters in video games are usually male.
c.Computer programs are strongly oriented toward boys.
d.Male characters in literature are described as strong and adventurous.
42.Of the following, what is the most likely cause of gender-role identity?
a.It is primarily determined by genetics, which determines not only physical characteristics but also factors such as temperament and verbal ability.
b.It is primarily environment, resulting from different treatment by parents, peers, and teachers.
c.It is a combination of genetics and environment, with both contributing in varying degrees.
d.It is the result of gender-specific treatment during infancy, resulting in behavioral traits that endure throughout life.
43.Albert believes that since he is a boy he is supposed to be strong and in charge, but he isn’t supposed to reveal uncertainties about himself. This belief is best described as:
a.gender stereotyping.
b.gender-role identity.
c.gender self-efficacy
d.gender-specific behavior.
44.In terms of genetic differences between boys and girls that could impact their learning in various subjects, which of the following is most accurate according to research?
a.Boys are innately superior in math but are innately inferior in reading.
b.Girls are innately superior in elementary school but fall behind later.
c.Girls are innately superior in most subjects but are discriminated against in school.
d.Innate differences between boys and girls are very small.
45.Which of the following is the most accurate description of a gender-related difference in achievement?
a.Girls generally score higher on the Scholastic Aptitude Test than do boys.
b.Women score higher on the Graduate Record Exam than do men.
c.Girls score higher on measures of reading and writing ability than do boys.
d.Slightly more bachelor’s degrees are earned by men than by women.
46.Which of the following is not true of research on gender differences?
a.Males are more likely to be found in remedial and special education classes.
b.Males score lower on tests such as the SAT and ACT.
c.Males receive lower grades in school.
d.Males earn proportionally fewer bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
47.Kelli and John are prekindergartners. If the children are consistent with patterns of development identified by research, which of the following would be the most valid prediction?
a.Kelli’s verbal ability will be superior to John’s.
b.John’s verbal ability will be superior to Kelli’s.
c.Their verbal abilities will be about equal.
d.No prediction of verbal ability differences can be made as early as prekindergarten.
48.Sandra and Robert are both fourth graders. If their math achievement fits typical patterns for boys and girls, which of the following is most likely?
a.Their achievement will be about even now, but Sandra will fall behind when they are in high school.
b.Sandra’s achievement will be slightly higher than Robert’s now, but they will be about even when they are in high school.
c.Robert’s achievement will be higher now, and the gap will be wider when they are in high school.
d.Their achievement will be about even now, and it will remain about even through high school.
49.Janet and Peter are in the second grade. If their reading achievement fits typical patterns for boys and girls, which of the following is most likely?
a.Janet is slightly more likely to have problems with reading than is Peter.
b.Janet is much more likely to have problems with reading than is Peter.
c.Peter is much more likely to have problems with reading than is Janet.
d.They are equally likely to have problems with reading.