Promotion and Social Responsibility (Turbo Tax) ( Kotler & Keller: Ch. 19–23 )
Q4. Explain how the firm could use event sponsorships as a part of its promotional efforts (Ch. 20) (Turbo Tax)
Q5. Discuss the Internet marketing possibilities for the product/service. (Ch. 21) (Turbo Tax)
Q6. Discuss the use of social media in the marketing of the product/service. (Ch. 21) (Turbo Tax)
Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also communicate with present and potential stakeholders and the general public. For most, therefore, the question is not whether to communicate but rather what to say, how and when to say it, to whom, and how often. But communications get harder as more and more companies clamor to grab an increasingly empowered consumer’s divided attention. Consumers themselves are taking a more active role in the communication process and deciding what communications they want to receive and how they want to communicate to others about the products and services they use. To effectively reach and influence target markets, holistic marketers are creatively employing multiple forms of communications.
Each individual assignment must include a title page that has the name of the project topic and the specific questions being addressed, be 5-5.5 full pages (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced), and include a separate references page. All content must show direct application to the topic and exclude definitions of terms and general explanations of generic marketing topics.
When completing an assignment for a given module/week, you must view the entire course textbook (all chapters) as a resource for the assignment, meaning it may be necessary to locate assignment-related material in chapters other than those corresponding with the module/week in which the assignment is located. While the effort has been made to ensure that all material necessary for assignment completion is found in the textbook, contact the instructor immediately if information needed to complete the assignment cannot be located in the textbook. The instructor will then provide instructions on locating the required material.
Each of the parts of the Market Management Group Project (MMGP) must follow this format:
- Discussion of the research
- Inclusion of corroborating research about the theory and/or your product
- Analysis and discussion
Quotes must be minimized and long quotes (40 words or more) avoided. Outside sources to be cited include scholarly marketing journals, practitioner publications, and the course textbook. Assignments must be submitted directly to the Group Discussion Board Forum and contain a Microsoft Word document with the exact same content.
Once the papers are graded and instructor comments are provided, each member will edit his or her paper accordingly.
Required Resources
American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (Custom 15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. ISBN: 9780133856460