Please read at least two articles!!! really important! otherwise I won't give good feedback.
You don't need to read all, but at least read it roughly and find some useful information.
no more than four double spaced pages, 12-pt font, with 1” margins.
So far, we have read scholars who have used the concept of the global city (including world cities, world-class cities) in a number of different ways. Some have argued for the value of concept as an analytical framework (Sassen, Friedman and Goetz), some have argued that it is detrimental (Robinson, McDonald), and others have used it to name a local cultural concept (Ghertner).
Drawing on at least two of the authors that we have read so far make an argument for or against the usefulness of the global city concept for the analysis of contemporary urban space. To do this you must draw on the authors to define what is meant by “global city.” Using this definition, you will then explain why this understanding is, or isn’t, useful. If you are arguing that it is useful explain what it is useful for understanding. If you are arguing that it isn’t explain why and if there is a better concept.
Structure tip: Social science papers, especially short ones like this, can be very blunt and state the argument of the paper very quickly. A possible first sentence could be “In this paper I will argue that the concept of the global city is useful as a…..” or “In this paper I will argue that the concept of the global city is not useful because it….” The rest of your essay should present evidence from the readings for your argument.
no more than four double spaced pages, 12-pt font, with 1” margins.
Do not include a bibliography and only use texts that we have read in class.
Please cite the authors that you use using the last name, date, and page number if quoting from the text. For example, “One way to understand global cities is as containing the “control functions” of the world economy (Sassen 2005: 32).”