Question :
141. According to your textbook, which of the following personality : 1182164
141. According to your textbook, which of the following personality factors has the highest level of heritability?
a) right-wing authoritarianism
b) neuroticism
c) agreeableness
d) psychoticism
142. Research exploring the heritability of personality traits has found evidence that many different behavioral tendencies seem to have a genetic influence. According to your authors, which of the following behaviors have been explored for their genetic influence?
a) willingness to move to a different country for work
b) tendency to prefer a motorcycle to a car
c) amount of time spent watching television
d) preference for coffee versus tea
143. Researchers have explored both genetic similarity and shared family environments to attempt to determine which, if either, has the greater effect on personality. What has this research found?
a) Neither genetics nor shared family environments contributed very much to personality.
b) Genetics do not contribute very much to personality.
c) Shared family environment does not contribute very much to personality.
d) Genetics and shared family environment both contribute equally to personality.
144. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the difficulties in studying the effects of single genes on personality?
a) Researchers have been unable to identify any single genes that have an influence on personality, so studies of heritability are generally impossible.
b) Most aspects of personality are affected by numerous genes that exert their influence in concert with each other.
c) Variations in a single gene are limited to their influence to a single personality trait, so the relationship between multiple traits is not something of interest to this sort of research.
d) Variations in a single gene can influence a personality trait by as much as 90%, so it can be virtually impossible to identify that one gene.
145. The _____________ theory of personality has its basis in the theories of learning and focuses on the effects of environment on one’s personal characteristics and actions.
a) psychodynamic
b) humanistic
c) trait
d) learning
146. Skinner and Watson believed that personality is the result of ____________.
a) operant conditioning and vicarious learning
b) classical and operant conditioning and observational learning
c) observational learning and classical conditioning
d) behavioral reinforcement
147. From the sociocognitive perspective, people have expectations which are a powerful influence on how they think, feel and behave—and consequently on personality. These influences are called ________.
a) triggers
b) belief systems
c) expectancies
d) reinforcements
148. The source a person believes to be exerting control over life’s events is called ________.
a) low self-esteem
b) locus of control
c) high self-efficacy
d) an internal focus
149. The perceived source of control over one’s life is ____________.
a) the locus of control
b) mode of operation
c) the motivation to change
d) self-esteem
150. Shanda is afraid of failing one of her final exams, primarily because she thinks the professor gives hard exams and so, no matter how much studying she does, it won’t matter. Cognitive theorists would suggest that Shanda ____________.
a) has an external locus of control
b) has an internal locus of control
c) has an introverted personality
d) has an extraverted personality