Question :
31. The JDS refers to:
a.job design satisfaction
b.the survey instrument used : 1264994
31. The JDS refers to:
a.job design satisfaction
b.the survey instrument used to measure the elements in the Job Characteristics Model
c.the job design survey used to measure the degree of satisfaction with the job due to redesign efforts consistent with the job characteristics theory
d.job enrichment, design of job, and satisfaction with the job
32. The degree to which a job entails completion of a whole task or complete sequence of tasks is:
b.task significance
c.skill variety
d.task identity
33. Enlarging a job is most closely associated with which of the following core job characteristics?
a.task significance
b.job autonomy
c.task identity
d.skill variety
34. Selecting the textbook, formulating course objectives, specifying course requirements, determining instructional methods, preparing exams, and evaluating student performance provide the college professor with:
a.skill heterogeneity
b.task specificity
35. People whose jobs are high on the five core dimensions are generally:
b.those with high growth need strength
c.those that have been reengineered
d.more motivated, more satisfied, and more productive than others
36. According to a recent study conducted in Egypt aimed at the disaggregation of the work autonomy component of job design theory, results indicated which of the following were three facets of work autonomy? method, schedule, and criteria autonomy
b.skill variety, task identity, and task significance complexity, time constraints, and outcome measurement
d.none of these
37. When engaged in their work, people employ and express themselves:
d.all of these
38. The harnessing of organizational members to their work roles is known as:
a.task identity
b.job involvement
c.job commitment
39. Which of the following is NOT a basic premise of the social information processing model and the interpersonal aspects of work design?
a.Other people help us judge what is important in our jobs.
b.Other people tell us how they see our jobs.
c.Other people’s positive and negative feedback helps us understand our feelings about our jobs.
d.Other people’s reactions to our job-related behaviors provide us with important cognitive cues as to determine whether we fit the overall culture.
40. Research on the social information processing view of job design supports the view that:
a.while objective task complexity may be a motivator, social interaction may be an important additional source of motivation pressure as being more important in the definition of task complexity than a objective measure
c.daydreaming is more important than objective task complexity as being an additional motivator objective probability estimate is still the best estimate of a task’s difficulty and consequently a good indicator of the potential motivational properties of a task