Question :
141. Unlike Mendelian inheritance, complex inheritance ________.
a) primarily helps to : 1182056
141. Unlike Mendelian inheritance, complex inheritance ________.
a) primarily helps to explain why birth defects occur
b) describes the effects of individual elements of inheritance
c) considers the joint combinations of genes working together
d) is unrelated to your genotype
142. Pruning is to plasticity as ________.
a) flexible is to inflexible
b) eliminate is to change
c) brain is to neuron
d) control is to wasted
143. Plasticity is most evident in which of the following circumstances?
a) during the elderly years
b) when we learn something new or store new information
c) when we are trying to undo previous pruning
d) when reuptake of excess neurotransmitters is taking place
144. Jack suffered a brain injury as a result of hitting his head while waterskiing. One of the problems that developed was that Jack could not pronounce certain words correctly for a long period of time. He had extensive speech therapy and can now speak as he did before his accident. This is an example of the brain’s ______ which allowed the structure and function of his brain cells to change to adjust to the trauma.
a) adaptology
b) stagnation
c) plasticity
d) reflex arc
145. If a person were to damage the speech center in the brain, the ideal age for this to happen would be ___________.
a) 2
b) 14
c) 33
d) 61
146. Which of the following statements is true, according to your authors?
a) Genes are destiny.
b) Interactions with the environment rarely alter the structure and function of the brain.
c) Genes are not simply time bombs that are set at birth and ready to explode at the proper hour.
d) The reason why some people go bald is unrelated to genes that are working throughout your life.
147. To say that both genes and environment are important ________.
a) is completely accurate
b) is completely inaccurate
c) is partially correct depending on the given person and situation
d) is true, yet it fails to clarify that they are different aspects of a single system
148. An evocative interaction can be construed as similar to an active interaction in the sense that both show ________.
a) how genetically influenced characteristics draw out behaviors from others
b) ways that the genes and environment interact
c) what occurs when a parent’s or sibling’s tendencies produce an environment received by a child
d) the effects of when people choose to put themselves in a specific situation or to avoid others
149. The term “heritability” is an unfortunate term in the sense that ________.
a) it does not indicate the amount of a characteristic or trait that is inherited
b) it tells us nothing about how much of the variability in a characteristic in a population is due to genetics
c) it makes the erroneous assumption that genes and the environment are separate factors
d) it is quite limited in the number of characteristics it can inform us about
150. The amount of genes shared by dizygotic twins is ________ as monozygotic twins and ________ siblings, respectively.
a) half as much; half as much as
b) twice as much; equal to
c) twice as much; half as much as
d) half as much; equal to
151. Darwin’s famous term “survival of the fittest” really centers on those who are ________.
a) genetically superior
b) successfully reproducing
c) most intelligent
d) physically strongest
152. The general idea behind the evolution of species ________.
a) has not been identified yet
b) is that genes that lead an organism to have offspring, who have still more offspring
c) is that the physiology of all species is constantly changing
d) is that only those who are the strongest will survive