1.What compound serves as the starting material for the biosynthesis of fatty acids and is also a key intermediate in fatty acid metabolism?
A) carnitine
B) glucose
C) bile salt
D) acetyl CoA
E) lactate
2.What is the fate of the acetyl CoA units produced by ?-oxidation of fatty acids when there is an immediate need for energy?
A) entry into the citric acid cycle
B) entry into the oxidative phosphorylation pathway
C) synthesis of triglycerides
D) synthesis of glycogen
E) synthesis of glucose
3.Which statement concerning the steps in the digestion of dietary triglycerides is FALSE?
A) The digestion of triglycerides begins in the mouth with the aid of bile salts.
B) Lipases hydrolyze triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides in the small intestine.
C) The monoglycerides and fatty acids reassemble in the membrane of the small intestine to form triglycerides.
D) The triglycerides combine with proteins to form chylomicrons for transport to the lymphatic system and bloodstream.
E) In the bloodstream, triglycerides are hydrolyzed to glycerol and three fatty acids that are then absorbed by the cells.
4.Which protein binds to the surface of a lipid droplet and helps pancreatic lipases to adhere to the surface and hydrolyze triglycerides?
A) colipase
B) cholic acid
C) chenodeoxycholic acid
D) insulin
E) glucagon
5.The fourth reaction in ?-oxidation of fatty acids is shown below and involves the oxidation of the ?-carbon. What is the product of this reaction?
6.What is the primary function of bile salts in fatty acid metabolism?
A) to hydrolyze triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids
B) to hydrolyze triglycerides into monoglycerides and fatty acids
C) to break down and emulsify large fat globules to make them more readily hydrolyzable by lipases
D) to transport triglycerides through the lymphatic system and into the bloodstream
E) to activate fatty acids in preparation for ?-oxidation
7.The fat cells that make up adipose tissue are capable of storing unlimited amounts of triglycerides. What are these fat cells called?
A) globucytes
B) lymphocytes
C) glycerocytes
D) lipocytes
E) adipocytes
8.Fatty acids must first be activated before undergoing ?-oxidation. This activation involves which of the following processes?
A) combination of the fatty acid with coenzyme A to yield fatty acyl CoA
B) oxidation of the fatty acid by NAD+
C) joining of the fatty acid to ATP
D) decarboxylation of the fatty acid to form a smaller molecule, which can easily enter the mitochondria
E) neutralization of the fatty acid by a base
9.What compound is released in the final step of ?-oxidation of fatty acids?
A) acetic acid
B) CO2
C) acetyl CoA
D) carnitine
E) glycerol
10.What products are formed in the complete ?-oxidation of the ?-labeled fatty acid 10-phenyldecanoic acid, shown below?
E) This compound does not undergo ?-oxidation.
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