Consider and address each of the following questions:
What is the Tyler Rationale?
Briefly describe the steps outlined in Taba's model for curriculum development.
Compare and contrast the Tyler and Taba models.
Explain which model (Tyler or Taba) you would prefer to implement in your classroom
and why.
Discuss which model (Tyler or Taba) or aspects of their models align with Christian
What is Tyler Rationale?
The Tyler Rationale is based upon four questions which have been modified into a four-step
process that can be utilized to develop curriculum. Kliebard (1970) identifies the four questions:
1) What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? 2) What educational experiences
can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? 3) How can these educational
experiences be effectively organized? 4) How can we determine whether these purposes are
being attained? (Kliebard, 1970, p. 260). These questions have been transformed and reimagined
into a four-step process which includes: identifying and naming objectives, choosing
“experiences”, organizing “experiences”, and evaluation (Kliebard, 1970, p. 260).
Briefly describe the steps outlined in Taba’s model for curriculum for development.
Taba’s model for curriculum development consists of seven steps. Hunkins & Hammill (1994)
lists the seven steps: 1) Diagnosis the needs of students, 2) Formulate the objectives based on the
needs of the students, 3) Select content based on subject matter, 4) Organize content in order to
attain expected results, 5) Select learning experiences, only after subject matter had been
determined, 6) Organization of learning experiences in order to optimize student learning, and 7)
determine the means of evaluation prior to implementation (p. 9).
Compare and contrast the Tyler and Taba models.
Taba curriculum development was influenced by that of Tyler’s modernistic approach to
curriculum development. They are both similar in the use of a step-by-step process that addresses
learning objectives as the main focus. Furthermore, Tyler and Taba differ in that
Taba believed teachers should be engaged in the work of creating and developing curriculum.
Explain which model (Tyler or Taba) you would prefer to implement in your classroom and
As an educator, I believe that teachers should have an input and voice in curriculum; for me, I
would prefer to use the Taba model. If teachers have a voice and an opportunity to contribute
what they are teaching, it creates a buy-in. When there is buy-in, teachers are more willing and
are vested; therefore, opening the door for better learning experiences for students.
Discuss which model (Tyler or Taba) or aspects of their models align with Christian
As Christians, God gives us free reign and the ability to make choices. He charges to follow His
commandments that was set before us in Genesis. In II Timothy 3:16, we are told to scripture is
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useful teaching., correcting, and training (New International Version, 1978/2018). I believe Taba
uses the same approach to education.
Hunkins, F. P. & Hammill, P. A. (1994) Beyond Tyler and Taba: Reconceptualizing the
curriculum process. Peabody Journal of Education, 69(3), 4-18.
Kliebard, H. M. (1970). The Tyler Rationale. The School Review, 78(2), 259-272.
New International Bible. (2018). New International Bible Online.
(Original work published 1978).
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