Question :
61. Which of the following methods no longer used for analyzing : 1251002
61. Which of the following methods is no longer used for analyzing jobs today?
A. Position Analysis Questionnaire
B. General Aptitude Test Battery
C. Dictionary of Occupational Titles
D. Occupational Information Network
It has became clear to officials at the U.S. Department of Labor that jobs in the new economy were so qualitatively different from jobs in the old economy, that the DOT no longer served its purpose.
62. O*NET:
A. is a private job-listing index, which is provided at no cost to employees or employers.
B. uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations.
C. provides descriptive information regarding over 12,000 jobs, as well as some of the skills and educational requirements of successful job incumbents.
D. was designed to increase the efficiency of labor hours.
Although Occupational Information Network, or O * NET was developed to analyze jobs in the U.S. economy, research suggests that the ratings tend to be transportable across countries. That is, if one holds the job title constant (e.g. computer programmer), the ratings of the job remains the same even if the job is located in a different country.
63. The most common source for error in job analysis results from:
A. job descriptions being outdated.
B. job descriptions being too descriptive.
C. job descriptions that are misrepresentative.
D. job descriptions being too broad.
Although we tend to view jobs as static and stable, in fact, jobs tend to change and evolve over time. Hence in addition to statically defining the job, the job analysis process must also detect changes in the nature of jobs.
64. Which of the following refers to the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that will be required in a given job?
A. Job specification
B. Job evaluation
C. Job analysis
D. Job design
A manager may often be faced with a situation in which the work unit does not yet exist, requiring jobs within the work unit to be designed from scratch. Having a detailed knowledge of the tasks performed in the work unit and in the job, a manager has many alternative ways to design a job.
65. Which term refers to changing the tasks or the way work is performed in an existing job?
A. Job redesign
B. Job engineering
C. Job reconfiguration
D. Job design
When a manager decides to change the way that work is done in order for the work unit to perform more effectively and efficiently a Job Redesign should take place . To effectively design jobs, one must thoroughly understand the job as it exists (through job analysis) and its place in the larger work unit’s work-flow process (work-flow analysis).
66. Which of the following approaches to job design focuses on efficiency as the major outcome of interest?
A. Motivational approach
B. Mechanistic approach
C. Biological approach
D. Perceptual-motor approach
Mechanistic approach most often entails reducing the complexity of the work to provide more human resource efficiency—that is, making the work so simple that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to perform it.
67. The mechanistic approach entails:
A. increasing the meaningfulness of jobs through job enlargement.
B. redesigning equipment used in jobs that are physically demanding.
C. making the work so simple that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to perform it.
D. designing jobs in a way that they do not exceed people’s mental capabilities and limitations.
Mechanistic approach focuses on designing jobs around the concepts of task specialization, skill simplification, and repetition.
68. By designing jobs according to the mechanistic approach:
A. the organization increases its need for high-ability individuals.
B. the organization becomes more dependent on individual workers.
C. individuals become irreplaceable.
D. individuals can be trained to perform jobs.
Mechanistic approach most often entails reducing the complexity of the work to provide more human resource efficiency—that is, making the work so simple that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to perform it.
69. Which of the following approaches to job design entails performing time-and-motion studies?
A. Motivational approach
B. Mechanistic approach
C. Biological approach
D. Perceptual-motor approach
Scientific management under Mechanistic approach first sought to identify the “one best way” to perform the job. This entailed performing time-and-motion studies to identify the most efficient movements for workers to make.
70. Which of the following approaches to job design has its roots in the organizational psychology and management literatures?
A. Motivational approach
B. Mechanistic approach
C. Biological approach
D. Perceptual-motor approach
In many ways, Motivational approach has emerged as a reaction to mechanistic approaches. It focuses on the job characteristics that affect psychological meaning and motivational potential, and views attitudinal variables as important outcomes of Job Design.