5.5 Journal Assignment. Character and Virtue
Getting Started
What is “character”? What is “virtue”? How do you define these attributes for yourself? For others? You have been not only exploring psychology and pertinent concepts throughout the program, but you have also been exploring your own personal and spiritual growth and development.
Character has several definitions, but one that is appropriate in this context is “attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual” (
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).
Virtue has more to do (in general) with morality; to be virtuous is to have a particular moral excellence (
Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary).
These are meaningful and important concepts to consider not only for yourself as you foray into the environment of a life coach, but also for others with whom you will be working—both to help them understand their character and virtue and to determine whether they want to redefine those aspects of themselves (reshape themselves) to craft a life that supports their goals and ideals.
Some questionnaires or tests, such as the Values in Action (VIA) survey introduced in PSY-540, may include such concepts as character and virtue, so exploring these in more detail will enable you to be more informed and able to talk to your clients about how to think about and consider these concepts in their life pursuits.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
· Apply measurements to life coaching and positive psychology.
· Apply measurements to personal and spiritual development.
Background Information
For this assignment, review the PSY-540 VIA questionnaire and the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics to give you a framework of ethical guidelines for coaching. Then, apply this information to a life-coaching scenario that you create. Utilize the application of the VIA test and scenario to address the prompts for this journal, using positive psychology in your role as a life coach. Additionally, you will apply what you are reading about grit to your journal.
1. In your textbook
Grit, read:
a. Chapter 6, “Interest”
b. Chapter 7, “Practice”
c. Chapter 8, “Purpose”
2. Read the
ICF Code of Ethics
(new tab)
3. Open your Personal Reflection Journal and title this new entry “PSY-561 Character and Virtue <Month, Day, Year>.” As you write in your journal during this session, reflect on the following prompts, citing sources in proper APA format:
a. Assume you are a life coach and create a realistic life-coaching scenario. Integrating your understanding of some aspect of positive psychology and the ICF Code of Ethics, apply the PSY-540 VIA test to your life-coaching scenario.
i. Reference at least one element from the ICF Code of Ethics that has relevance to your coaching scenario.
ii. What cautions would you relay to your clients regarding relying on summary measures such as the VIA?
b. Apply the VIA to enhance your own personal and spiritual development. How will you use the results to enhance your personal and spiritual development?
c. Apply what you read in
Grit about using your reading to enhance your own personal and spiritual development. Especially consider the concepts of character and virtue in your journal.
4. Your entry should be a minimum of six paragraphs.