2-4 Discussion: Legacy Media and Culture
For your initial post, choose one form of printed legacy media (i.e., books, newspapers, or magazines) and give an example of how existing culture led to its creation. In your response post, give examples of how it has impacted or created culture. For example, the Harry Potter series arose as Young Adult literature, by J. K. Rowling, has a strong following and has created a subculture of fans.
Discussion Rubric:
Your active participation in the discussion topics is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions are designed to help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts and goals of the course. These discussions offer you the opportunity to express your own thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and gain insight from your classmates’ responses and instructor’s guidance.
Requirements for Discussion Topic Assignments
Students are required to post one initial post and to follow up with at least two response posts for each discussion topic assignment.
2-5 Final Project Part One Milestone One: Topic Selection
COM126 Final Project Part One Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: The final project in this course is divided into two parts. Final Project Part One asks you to research and discuss the reflective relationship between
media and culture. Then, in Final Project Part Two, you will create a presentation based on this research.
The first step in being able to discuss this relationship is to choose a lens through which to look at and examine it. Milestone One helps you narrow your choices down and choose a category (e.g., new, legacy, and residual) and a channel (such as newspaper) on which to base your Final Project Part One.
Prompt: For this first milestone, you will select a media channel of interest to examine how it both reflects and creates culture and society. Be sure to include the following critical elements:
- Choose a media category: new, legacy, or residual? Why did you choose it?
- Choose amedia channel.Examples include, but are not limited to:newspaper, movies, online dating, and radio. Why did you choose it?
- How does the media channel you have chosen affect culture? Answer this question briefly.
- How has culture influenced the creation of that media channel? For examples, refer back to the discussion for this module. Answer this question briefly.
Guidelines for Submission:Submit your topic selection as a 1- to 2-paragraph post in the discussion topic. You will then respond to your peers with a reflection on what aspects of their topic you find interesting. You will not be graded on your response posts, but this is a great way to get help or clarification on the final project early on, so ask questions and challenge each other.
Submit your Final Project topic selection here. This should include the media channel you have chosen and a brief discussion on how it both reflects and creates culture.
Once you have posted your initial response, review the posts of your fellow learners and respond with which aspects of their topic are of the most interest to you. You will not be graded on your response posts but this is a great way to get help or clarification on the final project early on, so ask questions and challenge each other.