For your investment portfolio, you will select three specific investments (e.g. companies for stock, mutual funds, bonds, banks for savings, or other investments) as described in the lesson. Based on your review of the lesson, you are now aware of the risk associated with each type of investment. To find specific examples of these types of investments to include in your portfolio, consider searching by type of investment and then narrowing your selection to a single investment such as a specific company or fund. Your portfolio must include ONE investment option for each level of risk: aggressive, moderate, and conservative. Organize your research by filling out a data sheet for each investment. Keep in mind that that the rates of return are unknown for some types of investments. Use these resources to help you find the following information:
1. Name of company or investment
2. Contact information
3. Company details
4. Type of investment (ex: stock, CD, mutual fund, bond, etc)
5. Risk level (high, moderate, or low)
6. Expected rate of return
7. Minimum required investment (dollar amount; note for stocks, this is the cost of one stock at current trade price)
8. Why are you interested in this investment? (Be sure to discuss statistics found in research and include at least five sentences.)
Stock tables can be a valuable resource for your research. Many websites update these daily and provide important criteria to investors. You can view this information in various formats in print or online, but all will report the same basic statistics. Learn more about how to read a stock table.
Step Two: Gather evidence
Collect visuals representing important information about your investments. Examples of visual evidence include screen captures of a website showing stock values for a given day, a scanned image of a newspaper stock table, etc. Evidence should show the date of publication as well as the source. You can also choose to create graphs illustrating the prices of your individual stocks over time and a graph of the overall portfolio value over time.
Step Three: Present your Portfolio
You have many choices in how to present your plan. Choose the option that best showcases your investment portfolio. You can choose to create a slideshow, a blog, a document that summarizes your research, etc. There are many 21st century tools available for effective collaboration and communication in the online environment. For more information about tools your school recommends, please visit the resource tools area in your course or contact your instructor.
1. Complete research for at least one aggressive investment, one moderate investment, and one conservative investment.
The work contains all of the required elements:
· investment portfolio with at least three investments, one from each category (aggressive, moderate, and one conservative)
· data sheet for each investment
· presentation in a format of your choice including visual evidence
· The Investment Portfolio contains completely accurate information related to investing. Investment portfolio presentation is completely detailed and thoughtful.
The work is well organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has few spelling or grammar errors.