Question :
31. Shaun angry at the way a coworker has treated him. : 1252653
31. Shaun is angry at the way a coworker has treated him. Shaun feels justified in his anger because “surely, anybody would feel the same way if the same thing happened to them”. This example reveals Shaun’s susceptibility to the:
A. halo effect.
B. assumed-similarity bias.
C. self-serving bias.
D. fundamental attribution error.
32. The tendency to attribute personal success to personal factors (skill, ability, or effort) and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself is known as the:
A. assumed-similarity bias.
B. halo effect.
C. self-serving bias
D. fundamental attribution error.
33. If you are exhibiting the self-serving bias, which would be your most likely explanation for a poor grade on the test?
A. “The professor doesn’t know how to teach”.
B. “I’m just not very good at this subject”.
C. “I didn’t study well enough to get a good grade”.
D. “In general, I’m not very smart”.
34. If we do well on a test, we say, “I got an A”! If we do poorly, we say, “She gave me an F”. This best illustrates:
A. the assumed-similarity bias.
B. the fundamental attribution error.
C. the self-serving bias.
D. the halo effect.
35. Which of the following is true of the fundamental attribution error?
A. There are weak group level differences in the use of the fundamental attribution error.
B. It is actually not very common, either in Western or Eastern cultures.
C. It is more common in Western than in Eastern cultures.
D. It is more common in Eastern than in Western cultures.
36. In determining the causes of others’ behavior, we overemphasize _____ factors; this is the _____.
A. dispositional; self-serving bias
B. dispositional; fundamental attribution error
C. situational; self-serving bias
D. situational; fundamental attribution
37. The fundamental attribution error is very common because:
A. when we view another person’s behavior in a particular setting, the most conspicuous information is the person’s immediate surrounding.
B. we center on an individual’s immediate surroundings which change rapidly without focusing on the person’s behavior.
C. of the nature of information available to the people making an attribution.
D. we tend to exaggerate the importance of environmental factors in producing others’ behavior and minimize the influence of personality characteristics.
38. While making a fundamental attribution error, we center our attention on the person whose behavior we’re considering because:
A. we are more likely to make attributions based on personal situational factors and less likely to make attributions relating to the dispositional factors.
B. the individual’s immediate surroundings remain relatively unchanged and less attention grabbing.
C. we tend to exaggerate the importance of environmental factors in producing others’ behavior and minimize the influence of personality characteristics.
D. when we view another person’s behavior in a particular setting, the most conspicuous information is the person’s immediate surrounding.
39. The field of _____ examines the influence of cognitive biases and attribution errors on people’s economic decision making.
A. forensic psychology
B. economic psychology
C. industrial/organizational psychology
D. behavioral economics
40. Behavioral economists:
A. focus on the irrationality of judgments.
B. view people as rational beings.
C. view people as thoughtful decision makers.
D. see people as decision makers who impartially weigh choices to draw conclusions.