Question :
61. Sir Francis Galton assumed that skull size related to intelligence, : 1252524
61. Sir Francis Galton assumed that skull size is related to intelligence, this was _____ measure of intelligence.
A. a reliable, but not a valid
B. a valid, but not a reliable
C. both a reliable and a valid
D. neither a reliable nor a valid
62. A researcher develops a questionnaire to assess the personality trait of impulsivity among adults. In a journal article, she presents evidence that college students tend to get essentially the same score if they take the test twice, two months apart. She also presents the average score, the highest score, and the lowest score obtained by two large samples: one of 2,000 college students, and one of 750 community-dwelling non college adults. However, when you look at the sample questionnaire items she included in the article, it seems to you that they relate more to whether a person is sociable, outgoing, and fun than to whether an individual is impulsive. You are questioning the _____ of the researcher’s questionnaire.
A. reliability
B. validity
C. sensitivity
D. reliability and the validity
63. Dr. Cavanaugh examines the relationship between the personality trait of resilience and senior citizens’ compliance with medication regimes; however, the resilience measure he used was normed only on college students. Based on this information, which of the following is the most apparent weakness of Dr. Cavanaugh’s study?
A. The simplicity of the resilience measure
B. The standardization of the resilience measure
C. The specificity of the resilience measure
D. The operationalization of compliance
64. Which of the following statements does not reflect a valid or empirically supported point in favor of or against adaptive or computerized testing?
A. It is faster than traditional testing.
B. It requires careful calibration of large number of items based on their difficulty.
C. Some groups of test-takers may become more anxious than others during computerized test taking.
D. Test-takers are forced to spend a great deal of time answering questions that are either much easier or much harder than they can handle.
65. Regarding standardized testing, which piece of advice is least likely to be right?
A. Check your answers if you can.
B. Time yourself carefully.
C. Guess if you don’t know.
D. Practice makes perfect.
66. Based on the text’s discussion, which of the following alternatives best captures the difference, if any, between the terms mental retardation and intellectual disability?
A. The terms are used interchangeably and equally.
B. Intellectual disability is becoming the preferred term, while mental retardation is the traditional term.
C. The term intellectual disability has replaced the term mental retardation.
D. The terms refer to different types of deficits in functioning.
67. Of those who are mentally retarded, what percentage are classified as mildly retarded?
A. 90%
B. 75%
C. 65%
D. 50%
68. Peyton has an IQ score of 60. Although her development was typically slower than that of her peers, she is now able to hold a job and will soon start a family of her own. Peyton is most probably:
A. mildly retarded.
B. moderately retarded.
C. severely retarded.
D. profoundly retarded.
69. People whose IQ score ranges from 40-54 are most probably:
A. mildly retarded.
B. moderately retarded.
C. severely retarded.
D. profoundly retarded.
70. People who are _____ have deficits in their language and motor skills. Although these individuals can hold simple jobs, they need to have a certain degree of supervision throughout their lives.
A. mildly retarded
B. moderately retarded
C. severely retarded
D. profoundly retarded