In a minimum of 1000 words, discuss and analyze the fundamental differences between European (i.e. Spanish and English) and Native American (i.e. American Indian) worlds by choosing 3 areas of discussion: standards of living, social order, economics, politics, religion/spirituality, philosophies, gender, and/or race.
Based on the evidence provided within the historical record, what factors led to an “American Holocaust”?
You are to cite 2 different chapters from American Holocaust along with 3 other sources of your choosing for a minimum of 5 quotations/citations. A variety of sources is encouraged. You may also utilize any other readings, films, images, etc. you see fit, but NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used. The use of outside sources will result in an “F” grade.
All citations should be contained within text in the following manner. (Stannard, pg. xx), (Documentary: After the Mayflower), (Lecture, date)
Link of videos watched in class:
I have attached the book as well for references.