For your Forum post,
submit a Google Doc
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, in correct MLA format, with the following:
A tentative title for your paper. The title should tell your reader what your paper will be about.
A 100-200-word abstract. This essentially serves as an early draft of your Final Paper’s introduction. If you filled out the worksheet linked above, you can revise what you came up with from completing steps 2-7 to meet the requirements of (2a)-(2c) below. In all cases, your abstract should:
Introduce your topic and pose a problem or issue that your paper will address.
State an open-ended, arguable question that asks about how news media frames your chosen human rights issue in coverage of your chosen current event.
Present your tentative answer, your working thesis, using the thesis formula found in the Section I of the
Final Paper Guidelines
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e. .
f. Include in-text citations as needed.
An annotated bibliography with sources listed in correct MLA format for a Works Cited page. If you completed the worksheet linked above, revise what you came up with from completing step 3 to meet the requirements of (4a)-(4c) below. In all cases, your annotated bibliography should:
List sources in correct MLA format for a Works Cited page.
b. Include at least 6 sources:
i. At least
3 news articles about your current event. These articles must come from the newspapers listed on the
Library Guide
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iii. . The newspapers must be from 3 different geographic regions.
iv. At least
2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals (see the
Library Guide
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vi. to access databases, as well as resources to help guide you in your research).
vii. The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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ix. .
c. Have a two-sentence annotation for each source: One sentence should summarize the source’s argument/significance as it relates to your project. One sentence should explain how you plan to use the source in your paper, using
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e. .