HIST/SOSC 139 Due: Thursday 7 September 2023
PART I. Short Answer Question. You may need to use a secondary source (a world history textbook or equivalent web site)
to answer the questions. Keeping your answers less than 1000 words (somewhere around 500), answer parts a), b) and c),
and the pedagogy question. Please use complete sentences, and cite your research sources. (Part II is in Canvas). You can
either turn in your work in Canvas or turn in a paper copy in class.
Document 1: Egyptian Medical Treatments, written for Egyptian doctors, c. 1600 B.C.E.
Instructions concerning a break in his upper arm
If thou examines a man having a break in his upper arm, (and) thou finds his upper arm hanging down, separated from its fellow.
Thou should say concerning him: "One having a break in his upper arm. An ailment which I will treat."
Thou should place him prostrate on his back, with something folded between his two shoulder-blades; thou should spread out his
shoulders, in order to stretch apart his upper arm until that break falls into its place. Thou should make for him two splints of linen,
(and) thou should apply one of them to the inside of his arm, (and) the other of them to the underside of his arm. Thou should bind
it with ymrw, (and) treat afterward with honey every day until he recovers.
Instructions concerning a gaping wound in his shoulder
First examination
If thou examines a man having a gaping wound in his shoulder its flesh being laid back and its sides separated, while he suffers
with swelling (in) his shoulder blade, thou should palpate his wound, should thou find its gash separated from its sides in his
wound, as a roll of linen is unrolled, (and) it is painful when he raises his arm on account of it, thou should draw together for him
his gash with stitching.
First diagnosis
Thou should say concerning him: "One having a gaping wound in his shoulder , its flesh being laid back and its sides separated
while he suffers with swelling in his shoulder blade . An ailment which I will treat."
First treatment
Thou should bind it with fresh meat the first day.
Second examination and treatment
If thou finds that wound open and its stitching loose, thou should draw together for him its gash with two strips of linen over that
gash ; thou should treat it afterwards with grease, honey, (and) lint every day until he recovers .
If thou finds a wound, its flesh laid back, it sides separated, in any member of a man, thou should treat it according to these
Third examination
If however, thou finds that his flesh has developed inflammation form that wound which is in his shoulder, while that wound is
inflamed, open , and its stitching loose , thou should lay thy hand upon it. Should thou find inflammation issuing from the mouth
of his wound at thy touch, and secretions discharging therefrom are cool like wenesh-juice .
Third diagnosis
Thou should say concerning him: "One having a wound in his shoulder, it being inflamed , and he continues to have fever from it .
An ailment with which I will contend."
Fourth examination
If then thou finds that man continuing to have fever, while that wound is inflamed,
Fourth treatment
Thou shalt not bind it; thou shalt moor (him) at his mooring stakes, until the period of his injury passes by.
Fifth examination
If however, his fever abates and the inflammation in the mouth of his wound dissipates entirely.
Fifth treatment
Thou should treat him afterward with grease, honey, (and) lint every day, until he recover
Document 2: From Hammurabi’s Code, Babylon, Mesopotamia, c. 1770
If a doctor has treated a gentleman for a severe wound with a bronze lancet and has cured the man, or has opened an abscess of the
eye for a gentleman with the bronze lancet and has cured the eye of the gentleman, he shall take ten shekels of silver.
If the patient be the son of a poor man, he shall take five shekels of silver.
If the patient be a gentlemen’s servant, the master of the servant shall five two shekels of silver to the doctor.
If the doctor has treated a gentleman for a severe wound with a lancet of bronze and has caused the gentleman to die, or has
opened an abscess of the eye for the gentleman with the bronze lancet and has caused the loss of the gentlemen’s eye, one shall cut
off his [the doctor’s] hands.
If a doctor has treated the severe wound of a slave of a poor man with a bronze lancet and has caused his death, he [the doctor]
shall render slave for slave.
If he has opened his abscess with a bronze lancet and has made him lose his eye, he [the doctor] shall pay money, half his price.
Please cite your research sources for parts a) and b).
a) Describe a difference between the two documents that deal with medicine in the ancient world, and research one historical
development that would account for that difference.
b) Describe a similarity between the two documents that deal with medicine in the ancient world, and research one historical
development that would account for that similarity.
c) Choose ONE of the documents and explain the point of view of the author, using another piece of historical evidence to
support that point of view.
PEDAGOGY QUESTION: PEDAGOGY: Explain at least two specific historical examples that would help students to
understand the purpose and significance of these documents. Please cite your source.