Discussion Board Thread
Re: Transformational Leader
“Organizational Management and Leadership” defines a transformational leader as one who “channels the efforts of those in the organization by ensuring followers, and inspiring followers to achieve organizational goals.”
Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational Management & Leadership: A Christian Perspective (2nd ed.). Raleigh: Synergistics International Inc.
In his article published in the Writing and Research section of the Radiologic Technology Journal, author Dwayne Richardson discusses what traits a transformational leader has. Dwayne Richardson is director of radiology at Hahnemann University Hospital and has good insight into the leadership role because of his career. He discusses the lack of transformational leaders in the radiology field and why it is important to train leaders in this field to become transformational. First he identifies the 4 key elements of transformational leadership as being; idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. (Richardson, 2011, p. 478) It is important in all categories of career fields but especially important to have transformational leadership in the health field because of the employment hours, and challenging morale in this industry. A transformational leader can help to inspire, and motivate employees through charisma, creativity, and setting a vision. (2011, p. 479)
Richardson’s article discusses how transformational leaders are important in the field of radiology. What other fields is it important to have a transformational leader? I would think most fields of employment would benefit from have a transformational leader at the helm. This type of leader inspires the employees to work towards a common goal. It is probably one of the most sought after type of leadership besides transactional leadership. It is considered to be one of the most popular styles of leadership today. (Kendrick, 2011, p. 14)
The transformational leadership style works well in the health care field because this type of leader promotes, and helps the employees to establish as shared values system. This type of leader builds a culture based on ethical behavior and trust. (2011, p. 14) This is extremely important in the healthcare field because of all the sensitive information that employees handle. Workplace abuses such as, stealing medication, neglecting patients, or not following sanitary safety standards can happen with any leader. The transformational leader has an advantage to stop this behavior because he/she tries to connect with their employees and develops a relationship of trust with them. They also are responsible for the safety of the patients. The transformational leader can help the employees uphold the safety of the patients and workplace by establishing personal accountability. When employees take pride in their work, and are held responsible for their actions, the safety of the workplace is increased.
The terms leadership and management are not synonymous, (2013, p. 5) yet many people think of them as the same. A manager does not also need to be a leader, and a leader does not have to be a manager. Anyone can be a leader. When I think about all of my jobs that I’ve held in the past, and the different managers I have had, I can only think of a few who were transformational leaders. Most of them were not. I also can think of co-workers who had the qualities of transformational leaders, and how I was drawn to them for guidance and advice. They have charisma, and a positive outlook on their environment. They inspired me to work harder and smarter, and to help them further the common goals of the organization. I have also had many leaders who were just managers, and while many of them were very good managers, they were not leaders. They did not inspire me to achieve greater things; they instructed me on my daily duties and workload. Leaders who emphasize results, schedules, and deadlines are lacking in transformational qualities. (Salter, Green, Hodgson, & Joyner, 2013, p. 67) The transformational leader emphasizes teamwork, teaching, creativity, and interpersonal growth. (2013, p. 67)
Biblical Integration:
When I think about leaders, and in particular transformational leaders, I think about our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the best leader the world will ever know. His power and inspirational words can never be matched. He continues to inspire Christians to live a good life, and try to obey the Lord every day. Our fellowship has been established by Him, and we all can have everlasting life in heaven with our Father because of His sacrifices. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) His words inspire me daily to keep trying to overcome whatever obstacles I may face. If you do not have a transformational leader in your current job, or life, know that you will always have the Lord to guide and inspire you.
Kendrick, J. ". (2011). Transformational Leadership. Professional Safety, 14.
Richardson, D. (2011, May 1). WRITING & RESEARCH. Transformational Leaders. Radiologic Technology, pp. 478-480.
Salter, C., Green, M. T., Hodgson, M. N., & Joyner, N. (2013). The Language of Transformational Leaders: Addressing the Needs of Followers. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 60-68.
Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational Management & Leadership: A Christian Perspective (2nd ed.). Raleigh: Synergistics International Inc.
The Holy Bible- New International Version. (2001). Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation.
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