There are several tasks to complete in this code-switching assignment. Students at Jackson State University can use grammarly to edit and review your assignments. Enjoy the assignment. You are asked to provide a personal narrative of your experiences with code switching. There are three questions to complete after you have reviewed the videos and then the final task is to upload a 60 second personal definition video of you explaining the art of code switching. Students in the past have favored this assignment as it is not a long assignment, but it packs a substantive punch. But first, read the additional information on code switching below.
Communication Theory and Code SwitchingLinks to an external site.
Code Switching Assignment - Please complete this assignment based on your own experiences by giving examples and personal narratives.
Your assignment should contain the following:
- A header with your name, instructor, date, and name of the assignment
- a minimum of two paragraphs (paragraphs are a minimum of 5-7 sentences)
- Paragraph Title
Remember to review, revise and review before you upload:
1. What is code-switchingLinks to an external site.? Please give your own definition and support with your individual experiences, from school, work, other activities or if you have seen or experienced your parents or family code-switch and what your first impression was. You can ask me to share, and I will talk to your about my experiences.
2. Why do you code switch? This is from your perspective and experiences and personal needs.
3. Ask someone in your circle; parents, guardians, other relatives or friends to tell you their experiences with code-switching. Make sure you tell them that 'it really is a thing". This is one of the critical components of the assignment. Make sure you add who you spoke to and their relationship to you.
4. Review each of the videos in this assignment and indicate the one that was most meaningful and the one that was less relevant and why?
TEDTalk #1
TEDTalk #2
Ted Talk #3
Additional ResourcesLinks to an external site.
Additional ResourcesLinks to an external site.