Module 1 - Case
Introduction to U.S. Strategies Designed to Protect the Homeland from Air, Ground, and Maritime Infiltrations
Assignment Overview
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established shortly after 9/11. It brings together 22 different agencies to protect the United States. Through the years, U.S. embassies all over the world have been targets of protests and violence by terrorist groups and displeased citizens trying to make a point or simply causing chaos and mayhem.
Consider these issues of relevance when responding to Case Assignment 1:
U.S. embassy attacks 2010–2018:
· April 5, 2010: Peshawar, Pakistan
· October 28, 2011: Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
· September 11, 2012: Cairo, Egypt, and Benghazi, Libya
· September 14, 2012: Sana'a, Yemen, and Tunis, Tunisia
· February 1, 2013: Ankara, Turkey
· September 13, 2013: Herat, Afghanistan
· September 28, 2015: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
· February 21, 2018: Podgorica, Montenegro
· July 26, 2018: Beijing, China
· December 1, 2018: Guadalajara, Mexico
Helpful Hint: Check out the
U.S. Department of State website
Case Assignment
ONE of the three topics listed below. Include details and examples as they pertain to one or more U.S. embassy attacks. Support your work using the provided reading and your own additional research.
What does the United States need to do to:
· Prevent an attack at a U.S. embassy in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Asia, and South and North America?
· Respond to an attack at a U.S. embassy in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Asia, and South and North America?
· Recover from an attack at a U.S. embassy in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Asia, and South and North America?
Assignment Expectations
Your essay should be 3 full pages not counting the title and reference pages. The use of APA formatting is recommended in your essay with 1-inch margins,12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title/cover page, an introduction, answers to the questions, and a concluding paragraph. Provide specific examples to support your point of view when developing your responses to each question. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay when referencing your resources—for example: (Smith, 2019). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all resources (including the required readings) you used to complete your essay. Use strong, credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials—to support your answer.
Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author—for example, (Smith, 2019). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 1 Dropbox. Please note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.
Helpful Resources:
· Citation and reference style instructions are available at Trident University's Introduction to
APA Style, 7th edition
Writing Style Guide, which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.
· Purdue Online Writing Lab at
· Download a free grammar tool from
.* It will scan your paper for errors as you write.
See the grammar tool in use here.
Module 1 - SLP
Introduction to U.S. Strategies Designed to Protect the Homeland from Air, Ground, and Maritime Infiltrations
Terrorist threats have become more complex and diverse than before.
On June 6, [2018], an American Reaper drone killed four Islamic State fighters near Bani Walid, Libya, about 110 miles southeast of Tripoli, Libya’s capital. A week later, another Reaper killed a Qaeda operative 50 miles southeast of Bani Walid. Ten days later, in central Yemen, American airstrikes attacked Qaeda fighters in the contested central Hadramout region. (Schmitt, 2018, para. 28)
Retaliation has become a standard terrorist tactic. It is unconfirmed yet suspected through U.S. Intelligence Community activity that members of global terrorist groups have already entered U.S. soil by air, land, or sea.
Your Task:
· Discuss some primary elements that constitute a strategic prevention model.
In your brief strategic prevention model, integrate some available U.S. resources, which include Department of Homeland Security; federal, state, and local law enforcement; and civilian stakeholders.
Helpful Hints: Start with these sources below to help respond to the assignment:
Countering the changing threat of international terrorism
(n.d.). Report of the National Commission on Terrorism, Pursuant to Public Law 277, 105th Congress. Retrieved from Search for the word
prevent in the website.
Wright, P. D., Liberatore, M. J., & Nydick, R. L. (2006). A survey of operations research models and applications in homeland security.
Interfaces, 36(6), 514-529, 617-618. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Keeney, R. L., & von Winterfeldt, D. (2011). A value model for evaluating Homeland Security decisions.
Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 31(9), 1470-1487. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
DHS. (2019).
Department of Homeland Security strategic framework for countering terrorism and targeted violence
Retrieved from
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your essay should be 3 full pages not counting the title and reference pages. The use of APA formatting is recommended in your essay with 1-inch margins,12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title/cover page, an introduction, answers to the questions (introduced with subtitles), and a concluding paragraph. Provide specific examples to support your point of view when developing your responses to each question. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay when referencing your resources—for example: (Smith, 2019). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all resources (including the required readings) you used to complete your essay. Use strong, credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials—to support your answer.
Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author—for example, (Smith, 2019). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the SLP 1 Dropbox. Please note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.