Question :
11) The essential difference between rules and procedures that rules : 1184100
11) The essential difference between rules and procedures is that rules are
A) established by schools; teachers establish procedures.
B) seldom written; procedures are usually written.
C) what and what not to do; procedures involve how to do activities.
D) concerned with behaviors; procedures deal with cognitive activities.
12) When handing in material, Mr. Spark’s students pass their work forward to the students in the front row, who then pass the materials from left to right. This approach is an example of classroom
A) organizational behaviors.
B) procedures.
C) protocols.
D) rules.
13) Based on Woolfolk’s recommendations, which one of the following rules seems to be more appropriate for elementary school classes than for secondary school classes?
A) Do not hit, shove, or hurt others.
B) Listen while others are speaking.
C) Obey all school rules.
D) Respect other people’s property.
14) Which one of the following rules, based on Woolfolk’s recommendations, seems to be more appropriate for secondary school classes than for elementary school classes?
A) Bring all materials to class.
B) Listen attentively when others are speaking.
C) Obey all school rules.
D) Respect other students’ property.
15) Although specific consequences may be established for specific misbehavior, Woolfolk suggests a general consequence for many problems. This general consequence is
A) extra school-related work.
B) redoing the procedure or activity correctly.
C) removing all reinforcement.
D) time-out or detention.
16) Kenneth frequently misbehaves in Ms. Lindquist’s biology class. Which one of the following penalties for his misbehavior is based on Weinstein and Mignano’s categories of negative consequences?
A) Having Kenneth stand in the hall or the back of the class
B) Having Kenneth write an essay about his misbehavior and its effects
C) Having Kenneth write multiple times what he shouldn’t do (e.g., “I should not talk in class.”)
D) Using mild physical punishment with Kenneth whenever he misbehaves
17) Weinstein and Mignano found that expert teachers primarily used detention to
A) assemble misbehaving students so they could be dealt with as a group.
B) make the consequences somewhat public so that peer pressure to behave may be encouraged.
C) prevent the student from participating in a desired extra-curricular activity.
D) talk privately with the student about why the particular misbehavior occurred.
18) Which one of the following procedures is recommended for making interest-area arrangements?
A) Allow students choices according to their spatial needs.
B) Create at least one “racetrack,” typically in the center of the room.
C) Make partitions high enough to block vision over them.
D) Once a design has been established and it works well, stay with it.
19) What term did Adams and Biddle use to designate the area in a classroom where the greatest number of verbal exchanges takes place?
A) Action zone
B) Fishbowl area
C) Personal territories
D) Zone of proximal development
20) Greg was trying to pass Bill a note, but Bill kept his eyes on his own work and thought, “Why does Greg do this to me? Mrs. Pepper will spot him for sure. She never misses anything. You’d think she could read minds.” Mrs. Pepper could be described as exhibiting what characteristic?
A) Assertiveness
B) Group focus
C) Movement management
D) Withitness