5. Professional Development Notebook (FEAP5b, 5e)
Description: Contrary to popular belief, student achievement is not tied directly to higher expectations, high-stakes tests, more time on task, new curricula and materials, or sophisticated technology. Improved student performance in mathematics is the result of improved teaching practices focused on a diverse student population. To improve teaching practices that lead to achievement in mathematics performance, teachers must engage in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices. In this assignment, the pre-service teacher will develop a professional development notebook for activities completed during this semester that have enriched their knowledge about the field of mathematics education.
Directions: In this assignment, the pre-service teacher will attend one Face-to-Face mathematics professional development activity (outside of class time), one mathematics education professional development webinar, and write three article reviews using NCTM peer-reviewed scholarly journals (the articles’ topics will address each of the three grade level bands: the PreK-6 grade bands, the 5-8 grade bands, and the 9 -12 grade bands).
You should complete the following for your notebook entries:
1. Mathematics Professional Development Activity: Identify the date, activity, presentation title, location and presenter, provide a brief description of the professional development activity, include/upload documents provided by the professional development activity as participation evidence and reflect on how this activity will impact student learning in mathematics.
2. Mathematics Webinar: Identify the date, webinar title, website and presenter, provide a brief description of the professional development activity, include/upload/link documents provided by the professional development activity and reflect on how this activity will impact student learning in mathematics. https://youtu.be/WKAYKUeCqGQ
3. Journal Article Reviews: Using JSTOR Online search select one article from each of the following journals: Teaching Children Mathematics (PreK-6), Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (5-9) or Mathematics Teacher (8-14). Read the articles you have selected, and then prepare a report according to the instructions below:
- In one paragraph describe each journal. What is the title? What features does it include? Who is the intended audience? What organization publishes the journal? What issue did you read? When was it published? Describe the part(s) of the journal that were most useful to you (explain why). Give at least three (3) reasons why a beginning teacher should read a journal like this.
Read each article completely. You may need to read each article more than once before writing your review. For each article, provide a citation in APA style at the top of the each review. Briefly summarize the article in one to three paragraphs, depending on the length of the article. Describe the objective(s) / purpose(s) of the article, how the research was conducted (if any) and what the results were in one to two paragraphs. List three (3) concepts you learned and how they can be used in instructional practice; consider the topics/concepts/processes that were emphasized while identifying which grade level this article would be appropriate for use with (Florida Standards). Provide your opinion while discussing any flaws with the article and how you think it could have been better. Lastly, reflect on how this activity will impact student learning in mathematics.