Question :
11. Which of the following the most accurate statement of : 1200681
11. Which of the following is the most accurate statement of Sternberg’s view of intelligence?
a.Intelligence is made up of fluid and crystallized abilities uninfluenced by school and culture.
b.Schools should be sure that all students know factual information that is part of our day-to-day culture.
c.The ability to function in the real world is an indicator of intelligent behavior.
d.Nature is more important than nurture in shaping intelligence.
12. Consider the issue of “nature/nurture” in intelligence. Which of the following statements is most accurate according to researchers?
a.Intelligence is determined primarily by genetics, and it is only minimally alterable by experience.
b.Intelligence is determined primarily by the environment, with genetics having only a minimum impact.
c.Genetics and the environment both make major contributions to intelligence.
d.Intelligence is determined primarily by genetics when children are young (such as preschool age), but later the environment is much more important.
13. Consider attempts to improve intelligence by providing enrichment experiences. According to researchers, which of the following is the most accurate statement?
a.Attempts to improve intelligence have been largely unsuccessful.
b.Attempts to improve intelligence have resulted in short-term improvement, but long-term effects on intelligence have been negligible.
c.Attempts to improve intelligence have been reasonably successful with adults but not with school-aged or preschool children.
d.Attempts to improve intelligence have been reasonably successful with adults, school-aged, and preschool children.
14. Within-class ability grouping is most commonly used in which of the following?
c.Social studies
15. Of the following, which is an accurate summary regarding teacher’s beliefs about ability grouping?
a.Most elementary teachers endorse the Joplin plan.
b.Most elementary teachers endorse the practice of ability grouping.
c.Most elementary teachers feel that ability grouping hinders their instruction.
d.Most elementary teachers argue that ability grouping hurts students’ self-esteem.
16. Consider the effects on students of being labeled “intellectually slow” or “academically weak,” compared to students with similar characteristics who are not labeled. Which of the following is the most accurate statement according to research?
a.Labeled students achieve higher than comparable peers because of the extra help they receive in special programs.
b.Labeled students achieve about the same as comparable peers who have not been labeled.
c.Labeled students achieve lower than comparable peers who have not been labeled.
17. Consider teachers’ reactions to students labeled “intellectually slow” or “academically weak,” compared to students with similar characteristics not so labeled. Based on research, which of the following is the most accurate statement?
a.Because they’re identified, teachers’ provide more attention and support for labeled students than for comparable peers.
b.Teachers provide less attention and support for labeled students than for comparable peers.
c.Teachers provide about the same structure and support for labeled students and their comparable peers.
18. Research indicates that ability grouping often has negative effects on students placed in low-ability groups, resulting in lower than expected achievement. Which of the following best explains these results?
a.Organizing instruction is more difficult for low-ability students than it is for high-ability students, and as a result, achievement is lowered.
b.Low-ability students are usually more fearful of their teachers, and as a result, achievement is lowered.
c.Teachers tend to have lowered expectations for low-ability students, and as a result, their instructional efforts are lowered.
d.Teachers of low-ability students tend to have less access to materials that enhance learning, and as a result, achievement is lowered.
19. Consider the engagement rates of low- and high-ability groups. Based on research results, which of the following is most accurate?
a.Low-ability students spend more time than high-ability students in on-task behaviors.
b.Low-ability and high-ability students tend to spend about the same amount of time in task-related behaviors.
c.Low-ability students tend to spend less time than do high-ability students in task-related behaviors.
20. Consider the mix of high- and low-ability students in a class that is most conducive to learning. According to research, which of the following is most accurate?
a.The ideal mix is about the same number of high- and low-ability students in an instructional group.
b.The ideal mix is slightly more high-ability than low-ability students in the group.
c.The ideal mix is more than one-third high-ability and less than one-third low-ability students in the group.
d.The ideal mix is two low-ability students in the group for each high-ability student.