Question :
31. (p. 102) According to Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede, culture seen as: A. “software : 1242214
31. (p. 102) According to Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede, culture is seen as:
A. “software of the mind.”
B. “the difference between life and death.”
C. “the conflict of civilization versus the masses.”
D. “tool of the elite.”
E. “art’s triumph over banality.”
32. (p. 102) According to Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede, culture is seen as a:
A. weapon that is often used on the poor.
B. problem-solving tool.
C. bias that is used to justify racial inequality.
D. a relationship enhancer.
E. reflection of a nation’s evolution.
33. (p. 102) Which of the following is the description of culture given by James Day Hodgson, former U.S. ambassador to Japan, which according to him are tough to get through, but effort and patience often lead to success?
A. A merry-go-round
B. A maze
C. An intelligence test
D. A thicket
E. A perseverance test
34. (p. 103) The process of adjusting to a new culture is known as:
A. diffusion.
B. culture transfer.
C. acculturation.
D. assimilation.
E. transference.
35. (p. 103) Which of the following is not a way individuals learn culture?
A. Application
B. Socialization
C. Acculturation
D. Role modeling
E. Imitation of peers
36. (p. 102) A traditional definition of _____ centers around the notion that it is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned, shared by a group of people, and transmitted from generation to generation.
A. social class
B. psychology
C. anthropology
D. demography
E. culture
37. (p. 103) As Mike Jones has grown up, he has learned a great about his culture from his schools, church, mass media, and family. This learning is called:
A. acculturation.
B. socialization.
C. naturalization.
D. emancipation.
E. adaptation.
38. (p. 103) Mervin is excited about his new home in the Philippines. Even though he was born in Los Angeles, Mervin has been given the opportunity to learn about a new culture, form new friends, and capitalize on opportunities than were not available in his previous home or workplace. Mervin will go through what is called a _____ as he adjusts to living in Manila.
A. acculturation
B. socialization
C. naturalization
D. emancipation
E. standardization
39. (p. 103) The family, religion, schools, the media, government, and corporations are all illustrations of what are called:
A. social institutions.
B. cultural icons.
C. internal variables.
D. external variables.
E. demographic variables.
40. (p. 104) Which of the following best summarizes Professor Jared Diamond’s contribution regarding the influence of geography on history and cultural values?
A. People in the plains are more likely to invade than those settled in higher altitudes.
B. Historically, societies in the north are more developed than those in the south.
C. Civilizations near major rivers are more developed than those settled near major oceans.
D. Historically, innovations spread faster east to west than north to south.
E. Historically, invasions have always happened from the west to the east.