Question :
1.Clinical intervention
a.can be defined as a clinician attempting to : 1181913
1.Clinical intervention
a.can be defined as a clinician attempting to change a client’s behavior in a positive direction.
b.can refer to a professional trying to modify a client’s emotional reactions or social circumstances in a desirable direction.
c.can take a variety of forms, including psychotherapy. all of the above.
2.Psychotherapy the activity by which clinical psychologists are best known.
b.refers to any form of intervention that occurs within a professional relationship.
c.must always be long term, so is out of reach for most people. gradually giving way to the self-help movement.
3.At a minimum, psychotherapy involves
a.treatment following psychological testing.
b.establishing a fee-for-service arrangement. client and one therapist.
d.a contract for a certain number of sessions.
4.A common, essential feature leading to an individual seeking psychotherapy occurs when employer directs the person to seek treatment.
b.the individual’s usual coping strategies cease to provide sufficient support to deal with problems. individual finally gets insurance.
d.all of the above
5.Which of the following lists the common mental disorders in order of occurrence in the United States?
a.schizophrenia, depression, substance abuse disorders
b.bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, mental retardation
c.anxiety disorders, impulse control disorders, substance abuse disorders
d.autism, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders
6.Which of the following is true about mental disorders and their treatment?
a.If left untreated, many of the common disorders are likely to recur.
b.More serious disorders usually appear at younger ages.
c.Treatment utilization rates are relatively low.
d.all of the above are true
7.Which of the following is true about treatment utilization in the United States?
a.Utilization rates are quite similar across cultural and ethnic groups.
b.The median delay for seeking treatment for bipolar disorder is about one year.
c.Many individuals go without treatment in any given year.
d.Mental health parity laws have improved utilization rates tremendously.
8.Which client variable is related to treatment outcome?
a.the match between presenting problem and treatment choice
b.the gender of the client
c.the client’s openness and cooperation
d.the client’s age
9.Why is it important for a therapist to have good relationship-building skills?
a.Psychotherapy outcome is strongly affected by the relationship that develops between client and therapist.
b.It is important for clinicians to have many friends and colleagues to mitigate the stress of doing therapy.
c.It is important for a therapist to be likable so others keep referring clients to him or her.
d.Having good relationship skills makes it possible to model those skills to clients.
10.Which of the following is NOT likely to be taught directly in clinical training programs? to administer projective techniques to establish initial rapport with clients to monitor and regulate one’s own internal states
d.effective communication skills