Question :
91.The construct of ______represents the belief that behavior involves an : 1231105
91.The construct of ______represents the belief that behavior involves an interrelationship between personality traits and situational factors.
B)interactive associationism
C)reciprocal determinism
D)self-efficacy expectations
92.Which of the following has NOT been voiced as a criticism of trait theories?
A)They merely label rather than explain personality.
B)They assume behavior is relatively stable.
C)They cannot be measured by psychological inventories.
D)They ignore situational influences and fail to capture the uniqueness of individuals.
E)They use circular reasoning.
93. The most widely held view in contemporary psychology is that _____.
A) genetic factors determine our personalities
B) environmental factors determine our personalities
C) neither genetics nor environmental factors ultimately determine our personalities
D) genetic factors interact with environmental factors to determine our personalities
E) genetic factors are somewhat more important than environmental factors in determining our personalities
94.Watson and Skinner believed that
A)unconscious forces had a major influence on personality.
B)personality is shaped by rewards and punishments.
C)the environment played little role in influencing personality.
D)trait theories were the best description of personality.
E)personality consists of the individual’s behavior and ways of thinking about themselves and the world.
95.An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called
A)social-cognitive theory.
B)phrenology theory.
C)humanistic theory.
D)psychodynamic theory.
E)expectancy theory.
96.In social-cognitive theory, all but which of the following play a role in explaining personality?
A)a person’s rewards and punishments
B)expectancies a person holds about the outcomes of her/his behavior
C)the value a person places on rewards
D)the ways in which a person thinks about him/herself
E)a person’s unconscious impulses
97.Social-cognitive theorists believe that personality is
A)an unscientific term that has outlived its usefulness.
B)composed of learned behavior only.
C)composed of the ways that individuals think about themselves and the world only.
D)composed of learned behavior and the ways that individuals think about themselves and the world.
E)based on the belief that the environment determines how genetic predispositions influence behavior.
98.The primary contributors to social-cognitive theory are
A)Bandura, Rotter, and Mischel.
B)Skinner, Watson, and Pavlov.
C)Jung, Adler, and Horney.
D)Allport, Eysenck, and Cattell.
E)Maslow, Rogers, and Murray.
99.In social-cognitive theory, expectancies are
A)personal predictions about the outcome of behavior.
B)a defense mechanism in which one’s expectancies keep one from recognizing one’s true motives.
C)stable patterns of behavior across time and situations.
D)how other people predict one’s own behavior.
E)values placed on desired outcomes.
100.Which of the following students is demonstrating a positive expectancy about schoolwork?
A)Aston, who believes that studying will improve his chances of getting a good grade
B)Beth, who believes that studying will have no influence on her chances of getting a good grade
C)Chad, who places a high value on earning good grades
D)Deanna, who doesn’t care much whether or not she earns good grades
E)Ernest, who expects he will earn good grades even if he does not do any schoolwork