Question :
88.Which of the following the primary aspect of job enlargement?
C.Job : 1243897
88.Which of the following is the primary aspect of job enlargement?
C.Job feedback
D.Growth need strength
E.Skill variety
89.A video journalist’s job consists of operating the camera, reporting the story, and often editing the work, whereas these three tasks are traditionally performed by three people. Video journalism is an example of:
A.self-leadership and job enlargement.
B.job enrichment and self-leadership.
C.job enlargement and job specialization.
D.job specialization and self-leadership.
E.job enrichment and job enlargement.
90.A large retail organization previously divided work among its four employee benefits staff into distinct specializations. One person answered all questions about superannuation (pension plans), another answered all questions about various forms of paid time off (e.g. vacations), and so on. These jobs were recently restructured so that each employee benefits person answers all questions for people in a particular geographic area. For example, one staff member is responsible for all employee benefits inquiries from anyone in a particular geographic region. This job restructuring is an example of:
B.job enrichment.
C.job rotation.
D.scientific management.
91.A cable TV company redesigned jobs so that one employee interacts directly with customers, connects and disconnects their cable service, installs their special services and collects overdue accounts in an assigned area. Previously, each task was performed by a different person and the customer interacted only with someone at the head office. This change is an example of:
A.increasing job enrichment by establishing client relationships.
B.encouraging self-reinforcement.
C.introducing job rotation.
D.increasing job specialization.
E.introducing job feedback.
92.Which of the following is a concept that is represented by four dimensions: self-determination, meaning, competence, and impact of the individual’s role in the organization?
B.Job enlargement
D.Task significance
E.E: Job rotation
93.When are employees said to be empowered?
A.When employees practice job specialization
B.When employees experience self-reinforcement
C.When employees engage in positive self-talk
D.When employees experience freedom and discretion
E.When employees work in a centralized system
94.Which of the following is a component of empowerment?
C.Mental imagery
95.A high degree of autonomy, task identity, and task significance are important conditions for:
A.job specialization.
B.competency-based pay.
D.scientific management.
E.piece rate system.
96.Which of the following dimensions is possessed by employees, when they feel empowered, care about their work, and believe that what they do is important?
97.Which of the following is the first step in self-leadership?
A.Establishing client relationships
B.Practicing gainsharing
C.Personal goal setting
D.Constructive thought patterns