Project 2 involves building a Web application that is designed using Model 2 architecture.
This project is intended to enforce your knowledge in:
- developing and implementing Java servlets
- developing and implementing Java servlets that access request headers, access form data, and manipulate response headers
- developing Web applications in a standard directory layout and using deployment descriptors
- understanding the Java servlet life-cycle and configuring Java servlets
- implementing Web applications that share resources and invoke other Web resources
- designing and implementing Web applications that use session management
- developing and implementing Model 2 architecture Web applications
- handling HTTP errors and Java servlet exceptions
- developing and implementing secured Web applications using combination-programmatic security
Project Requirements
Develop and implement an employee hiring Web application using Model 2 architecture, that:
- requires department and employee information from the user
- stores the new employee personal and hiring data into flat files
- displays all the employees hired so far and their relevant hiring data (note that this is the only functionality that you have to add to what Example 9 from online Module 3 demonstrates).
The application must use flat text files Departments.txt, Employees.txt, and Hiring.txt to store and/or retrieve its data.
- TheDepartments.txt file should contain pairs of: name, description.
- The Employees.txt file should contain quartets of: name, jobTitle, yearHired, gender
- The Hiring.txt file should contain pairs of: employeeName, departmentName.
The Web application’s form should contain:
- a combo-box for selecting which department: Human Resources, Software Development, Media Relations
- four text boxes for entering employees name, jobTitle, yearHired, gender
- a button for submitting and processing the hiring.
The Web application must use:
· The Model 2 architecture — JSP pages for the view, a servletas the controller, and JavaBean and ordinary Java classes as the model.
o HiringServlet should act as the controller.
o form.jsp and confirmation.jsp pages should act as the view.
o Employee, Department, and Hiring JavaBean classes as well as the HiringService and DepartmentService ordinary Java classes should act as the model.
Note 1: Please make sure to examine in details the Web application’s structure of Example 9 from online Module 3.
Note 2: The Departments.txt text file should be populated with the data listed below before the Web application is used (analogous to the Courses.txt file from Example 9):
Human Resources
<your choice>
Software Development
<your choice>
Media Relations
<your choice>
The Employees.txt, and Hiring.txt files should be populated through the Web application.
Note: All the input and output should be handled by the view (no Java code implementing input checking or business logic should be placed in the JSPs). All entry information should be properly checked by the controller. All the business logic should be handled by the model.
Project Submission
- Deploy and test your Web application using your personal project UMUC Tomcat directory
- Submit the following in your assignments folder:
- a description of the architecture that you implemented
- a .zip file with your Web applications deployment directory — do not forget to also provide the source Java files
- the exact URL that should be used to run your Web application on the UMUC Tomcat server.