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There are multiple steps to fully complete this assignment. You must copy and paste the related tables from the STATA outputs into the document that includes your answers to this assignment. Then, in a few sentences describe the findings.
Problem 1:
Hint: I highly recommend that you study an example of descriptive statistics in STATA that has been posted under “week 1”
For this problem, use the following variables from the “Random Sample Residents” data file to answer the questions below:
Chain2: This variable indicates whether the assisted living facility is part of a chain (e.g., Sunrise, etc) or not.
The levels (or groups) for chain2 are:
1 = yes (facility is part of a chain)
2 = no (facility is not part of a chain)
Mocharges: It indicates monthly charges paid by the residents for services that were provided by the facilities.
The levels of mocharges are as follows:
1 = $1000
2 = $1000-2999
3 = $3,000-4999
4 = $5,000-6999
5 = $7000 (at least $7000)
LegoStay: This variable indicates length of stay (how long residents have been at the assisted living facility) for the residents at their facility.
The levels of legoStay2 are:
1 = 1-12 months
2 = >1-3 years
3 = >=4 years (at least 4 years)
Describe (i.e., conduct descriptive analyses) the following variables: chain2, mocharges, LegoStay2. Provide an interpretation of your findings.
Examine how an assisted living facility that is part of a national chain (e.g., Sunrise) is associated with monthly charges. Provide an interpretation of your findings.
Examine how the length of stay is associated with monthly charges. Provide an interpretation of your findings.
Problem 2:
For this problem, use the following variables from the “STATA HOSPITAL DATA” data file to answer the questions below:
Using the Hospital data, a health analyst would like to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average number of admissions between two different types of hospitals, general medical versus psychiatric (service variable). Provide a copy of the STATA results and an interpretation of your findings.
Note: For this problem, you should study the example found in the lecture notes on how
to run a t-test in STATA.
Service is the type of hospital. This variable consists of two groups (two types of hospitals)
1 = general medical
2 = psychiatric
Admissions: Hospital admissions. We treat this as a continuous variable.