Question :
21) Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP)
A) integrates data and provide : 1185948
21) Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP)
A) integrates data and provide managers with reports that highlight the interdependence of different business activities.
B) facilitates “Easy Reporting for Proposals.”
C) provides financial reports for each separate enterprise in a conglomerate.
D) is used only by plant managers to create “Exceptional Reports for Production.”
E) is free software downloaded over the Internet.
22) Management accounting
A) measures, analyzes, and reports financial and nonfinancial information to internal managers.
B) provides information about the company as a whole.
C) reports information that has occurred in the past that is verifiable and reliable.
D) provides information that is generally available only on a quarterly or annual basis.
E) must follow generally accepted accounting principles.
23) Financial accounting
A) focuses on the future and includes activities such as preparing next year’s operating budget.
B) must comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles).
C) reports include detailed information on the various operating segments of the business such as product lines or departments.
D) is prepared for the use of department heads and other employees.
E) is primarily concerned with profitability analysis.
24) An Enterprise Resource Planning System can best be described as
A) a collection of programs that use a variety of unconnected databases.
B) a single database that collects data and feeds it into applications that support each of the company’s business activities, such as purchases, production, distribution, and sales.
C) a database that is primarily used by a purchasing department to determine the correct amount of a particular supply item to purchase.
D) a sophisticated means of linking two or more companies to facilitate their planning processes.
E) exception reporting system for plant managers.
25) The approaches and activities of managers in short-run and long-run planning and control decisions that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and services are known as
A) value chain management.
B) enterprise resource planning.
C) cost management.
D) customer value management.
E) management information system.
26) Strategy specifies
A) how an organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace.
B) standard procedures to ensure quality products.
C) incremental changes for improved performance.
D) the demand created for products and services.
E) that a company’s financial procedures are in compliance with GAAP.
27) In designing strategy, a company must match the opportunities and threats in the marketplace with
A) those of the CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
B) its resources and capabilities.
C) branding opportunities.
D) capabilities of current suppliers.
E) its competitors.
28) Describe management accounting and financial accounting.