Each response to another must be at least 175 words in length.
If asked to post your opinion or reaction/reflection as part of an initial discussion post, you must still incorporate reference support. While opinions and reactions are personal and subjective in nature, they need references and citations for support. This approach reflects knowledge acquisition as well as application and synthesis of content. In other words, always support your work with resources. This is also applies to article reviews and/or reflection exercises…you still must have at least two references….one of which will always be your textbook.
(Cohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2018). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill)
(Peer response)
1. Describe what these scores mean.
Internal consistency reliability coefficient of .92 means that excellent reliability and it is an acceptable test to give. Our textbook defines reliability as, “the proportion of the total variance attributed to true variance” (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018 p. 142). Without reliability tests lack consistency therefore they become less useful because they also lack validity (Drummond & Jones, 2006).Tests are considered reliability if they produce the same results each time the test is used. Alternate forms of reliability coefficient .82 means the test is still reliable because the score is considered high, however, the test is not as reliable as the test with the internal consistency reliability coefficient .92 (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). Lastly, test-retest reliability coefficient .50 tests the average of the two scores of the test that were given and that is considered a low score.
2. Synthesize all of these interpretations into a final evaluation about this test utility or usefulness & Synthesize all of these interpretations into a final evaluation about this test's utility or usefulness.
The internal consistency reliability coefficient .92 means 92 % of the time this test produces accurate results, that leaves only a chance for error 8% of the time. The alternate forms reliability coefficient .82 means that 82% of the time this test produces accurate results, that score is still high enough for reliability however, not as high as the internal consistency reliability coefficient. Lastly, the test-retest reliability coefficient .50 means that 50% of the time this test produces accurate results, which is the least reliability of the 3 test types (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). All and all, each of these tests would be useful however, in my field of Applied Behavior Analysis I find the test-retest score to be most interesting because I would like to see growth and this test is given in two separate parts. Test 1 and then later, Test 2, allowing to see improvement in the test participate. It sounds as thought test-retest is made to show growth, and that is what we shrive for in my field.
3. Explain whether these data are acceptable
Internal consistency reliability coefficient .92 alternate forms reliability coefficient .82 is an extremely reliable data point, however. The test-retest .50 is less reliable (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018).
4. Explain under what conditions they may not be acceptable and under what conditions, if any, they may be appropriate.
Test-retest reliability coefficient may not always be the best test to use because it shows change over time and sometimes that is not what we need. Alternate forms reliability coefficient may not be appropriate sometimes because it becomes difficult to develop two equivalent tests to administer. Lastly, internal consistency reliability coefficient is only good in instances where the test is homogenous, if the test is not the data may not be acceptable (Drummond & Jones, 2006).