Parts 6 and 7 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.
1) Minimum 14 pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page ( minimum 300 words per page)
You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.
The number of words in each paragraph should be similar
Part 1: minimum 3 pages (48 hours)
Part 2: minimum 1 page (48 hours)
Part 3: minimum 1 page (48 hours)
Part 4: minimum 1 page and one paragraph (48 hours)
Part 5: minimum 1 page and one paragraph (48 hours)
Part 6: minimum 2 pages (72 hours)
Part 7: minimum 2 pages (72 hours)
Part 8: minimum 2 pages (24 hours)
Submit 1 document per part
2)¨******APA norms
The number of words in each paragraph should be similar
Must be written in the third person
All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph
The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.
Bulleted responses are not accepted
Don’t write in the first person
Do not use subtitles or titles
Don’t copy and paste the questions.
Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph
Submit 1 document per part
3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)
All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed
5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next
Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX
Q 2. Health is XXXX
Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to
6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:
Part 1: Professional Development of Nursing Professionals
1. Introduction to the pap3r (One paragraph)
2. Review the recommendations of The National Academy of Medicine 2021 report (One paragraph)
a. Explain why health equity is significant in this report.
3. Define social determinants of health (One paragraph)
4. Discuss one of the determinants(One paragraph)
a. Explain how this impacts health equity.
5. Describe the role nurses have in improving health equity and impacting social needs.(Two paragraphs)
6. Discuss the significance of self-care to decrease nursing burnout (One paragraph)
7. Explain two self-care and evidence-based strategies are available for nurses to maintain personal and spiritual health? (One paragraph)
8. Conclusion (One paragraph)
Part 2: Writing and rhetorical
Purpose: Write a Persuasive Web Article
Audience: Opponents of involuntary mental health (Parents, physicians, and politicians)
PICOT question: Is it possible that implementing a mental health program for students ages 11-17 in Florida high schools could reduce the incidence of shootings in schools?
Purpose and Audience (One paragraph)
1. What do you hope to accomplish with your web article?
a. Are you trying to persuade your audience to change their behavior? Take action?
b. Argue in favor of a particular solution?
c. Who is this argument is directed to?
Thesis: (One paragraph)
2. State the working thesis that you will assert in the final web article and
a. Explain why this will be the thesis you’ve decided on.
**Thesis should be an arguable claim that others can logically have different perspectives on***
Style and Design: (One paragraph)
3. Explain photos, illustrations, charts, or other visual elements will you include? and
a. How will you design the page?
b. You’ll also want to write in a voice and style most appropriate for your chosen audience.
i. What will that be?
Part3: Writing and rhetorical
Purpose: Write a Persuasive Web Article
Audience: Orthodox religious groups
PICOT question: Could legally recognizing female sex work in Florida increase the health indicator of this population due to free access to the health system?
Purpose and Audience (One paragraph)
1. What do you hope to accomplish with your web article?
a. Are you trying to persuade your audience to change their behavior? Take action?
b. Argue in favor of a particular solution?
c. Who is this argument is directed to?
Thesis: (One paragraph)
2. State the working thesis that you will assert in the final web article and
a. Explain why this will be the thesis you’ve decided on.
**Thesis should be an arguable claim that others can logically have different perspectives on***
Style and Design: (One paragraph)
3. Explain photos, illustrations, charts, or other visual elements will you include? and
a. How will you design the page?
b. You’ll also want to write in a voice and style most appropriate for your chosen audience.
i. What will that be?
Part 4: Conditions and diagnosis in recreational therapy
Sport: Soccer
Primary physical attributes/actions: Increased stride length with both legs at high speeds and stopped suddenly to redirect the stride.
1. For someone to successfully complete the action you chose (Two paragraphs)
a. Describe IN DETAIL what motion(s) the individual should be able to perform (One paragraph)
b. Describe elements of movement are required (One paragraph)
i. Full range of motion in both legs
ii. Be able to move both legs independently
iii. Have the ability to turn their hips from side to side to receive the ball
2. Describe the specific muscles or muscle groups’ fuctions that the individuals must be able to engage in completing the movements described (One paragraph)
i. Lower limb muscles
ii. Femoris and Vastus Lateralis.
iii. Glute and Hip Muscles
3. What are some recommended exercises that an individual could do to strengthen the muscles listed? (One paragraph)
Part 5: Conditions and diagnosis in recreational therapy
Sport: Tennis
Primary physical attributes/actions: Being able to move both arms above the head and close to the waist
1. For someone to successfully complete the action you chose (Two paragraphs)
a. Describe IN DETAIL what motion(s) the individual should be able to perform (One paragraph)
b. Describe elements of movement are required (One paragraph)
i. Raise the non-dominant arm above the head to hold the ball and place another arm far the body under the head to hold the racket to make the service
ii. Hold the racket in front of the body at chest height with both hands to return the ball
iii. Hold the racket behind the head with both hands to return the ball
2. Describe the specific muscles or muscle groups’ fuctions that the individuals must be able to engage in completing the movements described (One paragraph)
i. Shoulder, lats, and triceps
ii. shoulders, abs, and arms
iii. Lats, shoulder, trapezius and pectoralis
3. What are some recommended exercises that an individual could do to strengthen the muscles listed? (One paragraph)
Part 6: Introduction to Recreational Therapy
Genre: Written report
1. Choose 8 of Zach Anner’s short YouTube videos to watch (Three paragraphs).
a.Write a reflection/reaction to the videos
i. What you learned
ii. What was your reaction to Zach’s comedic style
ii. Explain the relevance of his message to the general public, etc.)
a. Share a little bit about Zach Anner and Josh Blue
i. What type of disability do they have
ii. What is their message
iii. What did you learn from their digital content
Part 7: Introduction to Recreational Therapy
Genre: Written report
1. Choose 8 of Zach Anner’s short YouTube videos to watch (Three paragraphs).
a.Write a reflection/reaction to the videos
i. What you learned
ii. What was your reaction to Zach’s comedic style
ii. Explain the relevance of his message to the general public, etc.)
2. Search Eva Abley’s youtube (Three paragraphs).
a. Share a little bit about Zach Anner and Eva Abley
i. What type of disability do they have
ii. What is their message
iii. What did you learn from their digital content
Part 8: Psychopharmacology
Topic: ADHD
Thomas Deliver, a 36-year-old male patient, enters your office for his initial appointment. According to the intake paperwork, Mr. Deliver is a computer programmer who is complaining of problems with concentration, completing tasks, and being terrible at listening during company meetings and even at home. He explains that he has difficulty starting and completing work projects and trouble being on time or keeping appointments and commitments. He has divorced 3 months ago and has joint custody of two daughters ages 6 and 10 years old. On most days, he sleeps late and he has trouble keeping a regular schedule and getting his children to their lessons and extracurricular appointments on time.
Mr. Deliver believes the lack of concentration and poor communication with his wife led to the divorce, and Mr. Deliver worries that his trouble with organization and attention may affect his custody agreement and prevent him from keeping his job.
Mr. Deliver’s employer and his family and friends have suggested to him that he should get evaluated for ADHD, but he has resisted because of concerns about the stigma of a psychiatric diagnosis and the risks of taking a psychotropic medication.
Mr. Deliver is 5’11” and his weight is 165 lb. He takes a men’s multivitamin daily, HCTZ at 25 mg for hypertension, fish oil 1,000 mg at bedtime for hyperlipidemia, and a rescue inhaler that he keeps with him although he hasn’t had to use it for many years.
1. Explain three different screening tools that can be used to affirm the initial diagnosis that Mr. Deliver meets the criteria for ADHD (Two paragraphs)
2. What are the outcomes expected from screening tools for this case? (Two paragraphs)
3. Further assessment determines that Mr. Deliver does meet the criteria for ADHD, inattentive type. (One paragraph)
a. What is the current recommendation for pharmacological treatment for Mr. Deliver (ADHD-inattentive type)?
4. Assume that instead of Mr. Deliver being 36 years old, is Thomas a 13-year-old male that also meets the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, hyperactive type (Thomas is not on any medications at this age). (One paragraph)
a. How will your pharmacological treatment change?
Your Job Title, Role, and Background at XYZ Corporation
You are a Senior Project Analyst. You report to the PMO Director. Your main role is as an analyst and advisor to the PMO Director. Your background includes a BS in IFSM from UMUC and PMP and PMI-ACP certifications. You have 4 years work experience at XYZ since joining the company after graduation. In your short career, you have shown an ability to perform good analysis and to assist management and senior management in decision support.
Overview of Scenario #1 Task Assignment
Your job responsibilities routinely call for you to write research-based white papers for the PMO, the PMO Director, and business unit executives. These white papers address particular technical/business topics as they apply to the XYZ’s PMO and business units. At this time, five white paper topics are assigned a high priority for expeditious development, and your assignment is to select one of the topics and develop the white paper per the PMO Director’s guidance. The five topics are as follows:
How to Combine the Use of Scrum and Extreme Programming at XYZ Corporation
How to Use Scrum Outside of Software Development Projects at XYZ Corporation
How to Define the Role of the Scrum Master at XYZ Corporation
How to Use PMBOK and Agile Concepts in the Hybrid Methodology at XYZ Corporation
How to Foster Continuous Innovation at XYZ Corporation
Task Requirements
Use a combination of popular and scholarly information sources
Make at least 3 citations other than the Week 1 and Week 2 required readings list.
See the LEO Webliography area for some tips on some good links relating to Scenario #1
Use the APA citation and reference guidelines
Present what is considered best practice to practitioner and/or scholars
Make your research paper like a white paper with a practical focus for XYZ Corporation
Make your white paper 2-3 content pages, plus a cover page and a page for references
Double space your white paper and follow best practices for APA (see instructor-recommended resources)
Present at least 5 paragraphs, including introduction, best practices, your analysis for XYZ corporation, and a conclusion
Make your analysis specific to how the topic relates to improving XYZ Corporation technologies, processes, or staff enablement and make recommendations if possible
July 1, 2023
Your Job Title, Role, and Background at XYZ Corporation
You are a Senior Project Analyst. You report to the PMO Director. Your main role is as an analyst and advisor to the PMO Director. Your background includes a BS in IFSM from UMUC and PMP and PMI-ACP certifications. You have 4 years work experience at XYZ since joining the company after graduation. In your short career, you have shown an ability to perform good analysis and to assist management and senior management in decision support.
Overview of Scenario #1 Task Assignment
Your job responsibilities routinely call for you to write research-based white papers for the PMO, the PMO Director, and business unit executives. These white papers address particular technical/business topics as they apply to the XYZ’s PMO and business units. At this time, five white paper topics are assigned a high priority for expeditious development, and your assignment is to select one of the topics and develop the white paper per the PMO Director’s guidance. The five topics are as follows:
How to Combine the Use of Scrum and Extreme Programming at XYZ Corporation
How to Use Scrum Outside of Software Development Projects at XYZ Corporation
How to Define the Role of the Scrum Master at XYZ Corporation
How to Use PMBOK and Agile Concepts in the Hybrid Methodology at XYZ Corporation
How to Foster Continuous Innovation at XYZ Corporation
Task Requirements
Use a combination of popular and scholarly information sources
Make at least 3 citations other than the Week 1 and Week 2 required readings list.
See the LEO Webliography area for some tips on some good links relating to Scenario #1
Use the APA citation and reference guidelines
Present what is considered best practice to practitioner and/or scholars
Make your research paper like a white paper with a practical focus for XYZ Corporation
Make your white paper 2-3 content pages, plus a cover page and a page for references
Double space your white paper and follow best practices for APA (see instructor-recommended resources)
Present at least 5 paragraphs, including introduction, best practices, your analysis for XYZ corporation, and a conclusion
Make your analysis specific to how the topic relates to improving XYZ Corporation technologies, processes, or staff enablement and make recommendations if possible
July 1, 2023
Your Job Title, Role, and Background at XYZ Corporation
You are a Senior Project Analyst. You report to the PMO Director. Your main role is as an analyst and advisor to the PMO Director. Your background includes a BS in IFSM from UMUC and PMP and PMI-ACP certifications. You have 4 years work experience at XYZ since joining the company after graduation. In your short career, you have shown an ability to perform good analysis and to assist management and senior management in decision support.
Overview of Scenario #1 Task Assignment
Your job responsibilities routinely call for you to write research-based white papers for the PMO, the PMO Director, and business unit executives. These white papers address particular technical/business topics as they apply to the XYZ’s PMO and business units. At this time, five white paper topics are assigned a high priority for expeditious development, and your assignment is to select one of the topics and develop the white paper per the PMO Director’s guidance. The five topics are as follows:
How to Combine the Use of Scrum and Extreme Programming at XYZ Corporation
How to Use Scrum Outside of Software Development Projects at XYZ Corporation
How to Define the Role of the Scrum Master at XYZ Corporation
How to Use PMBOK and Agile Concepts in the Hybrid Methodology at XYZ Corporation
How to Foster Continuous Innovation at XYZ Corporation
Task Requirements
Use a combination of popular and scholarly information sources
Make at least 3 citations other than the Week 1 and Week 2 required readings list.
See the LEO Webliography area for some tips on some good links relating to Scenario #1
Use the APA citation and reference guidelines
Present what is considered best practice to practitioner and/or scholars
Make your research paper like a white paper with a practical focus for XYZ Corporation
Make your white paper 2-3 content pages, plus a cover page and a page for references
Double space your white paper and follow best practices for APA (see instructor-recommended resources)
Present at least 5 paragraphs, including introduction, best practices, your analysis for XYZ corporation, and a conclusion
Make your analysis specific to how the topic relates to improving XYZ Corporation technologies, processes, or staff enablement and make recommendations if possible
Essay (any type)
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