Inclusion of children with special needs into programs with typically developing children is an individual matter. The least restrictive environment is not the same for each child. The adaptations to the environment and support needed by providers and teachers vary with the individual and the disability.
Then, consider the following:
Suppose that you have been asked to enroll a two-year-old with cerebral palsy in your childcare program. The two-year-old male cannot walk but is receiving physical therapy. He is not potty trained. His cognitive and communication skills are at or above average for his age. There are delays in adaptive skills and some slight delays in fine motor and social/emotional skills.
Post #1:
Answer the following questions:
Describe the benefits you expect for this child, other children, your program, his family, and the community.
What challenges might you expect?
Do you think you could provide an "inclusive" environment for this child?
A thoughtful opening response will consider:
the definition of inclusion;
needs of the child in all domains;
possible adaptations to environment (space, schedules, activities, etc.); and
impact upon all involved in child's care
the use of at least two quotes from the position statement to support your thoughts.
Post #2: Read all the posts in the class and then respond to the first post of a classmate who has not yet received a reply if you can. If not, post to the person with the least responses.
Respond to the person’s idea by:
Asking one question about what he/she stated
Explaining why you think the challenges would be reasonable or not
Noting the similarities and differences between your response and theirs