Environment and Human HealthWri'ting As'signmentImportant Dates:
- December 3, 2024 – Wri'ting As'signment is due by the end of the day.
- Minimum Requirements:
- 2000 wo'rds minimum. Wo'rd Count from the intr'oduction to the conc'lusion without counting the list of r'eferences.
- Your es'say should be ty'ped and do'uble spaced on standard-sized pa'per (8.5" x 11"), with 1" margins on all si'des.
- Fo'nt should be easy to read, such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point A'rial, and 10-point Lu'cida Sa'ns 12-point Ti'mes New Ro'man, 11-point Georgia, 10-point Computer Modern.
- Use AP'A format.
- Pap'er Sections: Your es'say should include three major sections
- Title Pa'ge
- Main Bo'dy: Break the main bo'dy in the following sections.
- Int'roduction: Des'cribe the environmental health to'pic you are going to res'earch. Dis'cuss the importance or significance of the to'pic
- Environmental Impacts: Disc'uss the Environmental conditions and impacts related to your to'pic: water, air, land impacts.
- Human Impacts: Describe the human health impacts associated with your to'pic. Disc'uss any applicable Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology.
- Local relevance: Discuss the local relevance of the to'pic. How does it impact Fresno County and the Central Valley?
- Laws and Regulations: Res'earch and discuss the applicable laws and regulations that attempt to mitigate the issues associated with the to'pic. Who is responsible for implementation? You may include a discussion about the economic cost of implementing the regulation.
- Looking forward: What do you con'clude about the adequacy of public policy related to your to'pic. What future measures may be taken to help address this issue?
- 3. Ref'erences
- Use peer rev'iewed ar'ticles or current publications from government agencies, res'earch organizations, or institutions.