A company self-examination. What are we known for? Who do we want to become?
In this assignment, you will create a Situation Analysis for Amazon.com.
Amazon.com has been through numerous changes in recent years. For this assignment use the information listed, as well as your own knowledge and research, to complete the provided situation analysis template. Additional research should include the use of the company's Website, the course textbook, and other online sources.
Amazon.com, (NASDAQ: AMZN) is an American e-commerce company based in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, and launched in 1995, Amazon.com began as an online bookstore before diversifying its product lines by adding VHSs, DVDs, music CDs, MP3s, computer software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and more. Amazon has since established separate websites in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, France, China, and Japan.
Since starting out in his garage in Bellevue, Washington, Jeff Bezos has gone on to form one of the greatest ecommerce sites the internet has ever seen.
*Thoroughly analyzed the customer base of the company as indicated in the provided template.
*Thoroughly analyzed the company's current situation as indicated in the provided template.
*Thoroughly examined the context of the company as indicated in the provided template.
*Thoroughly defined the collaborators of the company as indicated in the provided template.
*Thoroughly defined the competitors of the company as indicated in the provided template.
*Thoroughly suggested three (3) recommendations on the provided template regarding what the company should become.
*0 errors as possible
*The answers go in the aloted spots given in the template provided in the attached file
NOTE: sent you the template, all you have to do is insert the answers