MATH325 Lab 1
Excel Orientation and Set-Up
Data Analysis with Comprehensive Statistics Software
Task: Set-up to get hands-on practice
Classes that use Microsoft Excel are designed to provide hands-on practice as a key part of the learning experience.
Follow the instructions below access Microsoft Excel.
1. For PC and Mac:
· Login to the student portal ( from a web browser on your PC or Mac.
· Click the envelope found at the top of the page near your name to access your student email account.
· You will automatically be redirected to your student email account using Outlook.
· To access your subscription, click on the Office 365 button in the upper left-hand corner.
· To begin the installation of Office, click the Install Office button and follow the on-screen instructions.
2. For iOS and Android:
· Download from your app store:
(Links to an external site.)
iPhone & iPad
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
· Sign in using your school credentials for full editing capability (Please note that you will be prompted to enter your school email address and then sign-in using your normal credentials).
Contact the Help Desk immediately with any questions or issues that arise.
Once you are able to access the software go to Files area in your course shell, in the Health Care Statistics & Research folder, to download the HealthCareData.xlsx file needed for the labs. You are now ready to open Excel and work with the data sets.
Introductory Excel Overview
Open Excel and review various menus and reports through the tutorial.
Launch the following
videos from Microsoft to walk you through Excel:
Follow along these short videos (~1 minute) and try the steps suggested in the videos:
· What is Excel?
· Create a workbook
· Insert or delete a worksheet
· Move or copy worksheets
· Fill data automatically
· Create a drop-down list
Continue on to Rows & Columns:
In these short videos, follow along and practice how to:
· Insert or delete rows or columns
· Change the column width and row height
· Freeze columns or rows
· Hide or unhide columns
· Split data into different columns
· Combine data
For additional instruction, continue to work through the
Cells, Formatting, and Formulas and Functions
video sets.
Once you have a basic understanding of introductory Excel, let’s look at how we can use excel for statistics.
Load the Analysis ToolPak into Excel
Check out the Data tab on the toolbar:
If you do not see Analysis TookPak, click on File Options:
This opens up the following window:
Click on:
1. Add-ins, which is located towards the bottom of the left-hand column; then,
2. Analysis ToolPak;
3. Under Manage: Excell Add-ins, click Go.
In the Add-ins menu, select Analysis ToolPak, and click OK.
You should now have an Analysis area under your Data tab in Excel:
The Analysis ToolPak can be used to work through complex data analysis. Click on the following link for more information:
Read through the ANOVA and Regression areas found in the link above:
Once you have watched the introductory Excel videos, and read over the ANOVA and Regression areas (found in the links above),
submit a 1 page summary of navigational challenges and issues you had in set-up, as well as, what you liked or what excited you about learning Microsoft Excel
This summary should be in submitted into Week1: Lab.
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