Read and respond to the two (Tyseon and Sherry) posts below.
Tyseon -Discussion
In the course, I’ve uncovered a significant aspect of my personality—I possess an innate desire to give to others. This revelation, though deeply aligned with my values, has introduced a nuanced challenge. The act of giving, which I hold dear, has unexpectedly become a double-edged sword.
There are moments when the disparity between my giving nature and the perceived lack of reciprocal affection triggers internal strife. If my need for affection isn’t met, there’s a tendency to believe that others only see me for what I can do for them. However, this insight prompts a crucial realization—I need to step back and recognize the various ways others express love, even if it doesn’t align with my preconceived notions.
Expanding on this insight, my TED Talk and capstone project aim to explore the redefinition of success and the identification of internal motivators. In the TED Talk, I plan to delve into the diverse ways people define success, emphasizing the importance of intrinsic motivators. Personally, I define success by the impact I have on people’s lives, a perspective influenced by my inherent desire to give. This narrative intends to prompt reflection within the audience, encouraging them to reconsider their own definitions of success and the motivations that propel them forward.
The discussion will not stop at defining success but will also address how this personality trait influences my journey. I’ll shed light on the motivations derived from it and the obstacles faced, particularly when dealing with moments of perceived unreciprocated affection. By exploring these nuances, the talk aims to provide a relatable perspective on the complexities of defining success in a deeply personal way.
For the capstone project, a more in-depth examination of the obstacles arising from a giving-oriented definition of success is planned. This involves scrutinizing societal expectations, personal boundaries, and the crucial need for self-care in the pursuit of impacting lives positively. The ultimate goal is to develop practical strategies that empower individuals to align their actions with intrinsic motivators while navigating the challenges that may arise.
In weaving my personal journey, struggles, and triumphs into this narrative, the intention is to create a compelling and relatable discussion. By sharing my experiences, I hope to inspire others to reconsider their definitions of success and find fulfillment in their unique internal motivators. This approach aligns seamlessly with the course’s emphasis on self-discovery and personal growth, contributing a nuanced perspective to the broader conversation on success and motivation.
Sherry B – Discussion
I think that neuroticism is what sticks out most to me from everything in this course to deal with personality and personality traits. High levels of neuroticism is associated with nearly every single notable personality disorder and mental illness (Twenge & Campbell, 2020).
Many (including myself before this course) would consider this specific trait as inherent within themselves and something that they had no control over. However, putting to practice the idea of growth mindset will prove that new ways of thinking that are contrary to neurotic thoughts and actions are attainable by those who value the
processes of life. When we really stop to think about life, what it entails and how it unfolds, it seems as though coming to the conclusion that it is nothing more than one big process is inevitable. Especially though the lens of faith in Christ, the life process is one of step by step transformation to His image (righteousness) by grace and perseverance. By focusing on each small gain throughout life, I believe that one could lower their level of neuroticism which would aid in prevention of mental illness and personality disorder.
Tied in with high levels of neuroticism in regard to prone-ness to pathology is lower levels of extraversion (Twenge & Campbell, 2020). This information is crucial in combating neuroticism as one could outsource provision of positive thinking and emotion by seeking out highly extraverted people to interact with and take in more positive thoughts and emotions.
I have been one to be very neurotic when thinking about others’ thoughts toward me, motives of others, nature of people and most importantly–my own abilities and competence. I have really internalized the notion that by working to lower my levels of general neuroticism, I can become a more positive person, leading to more extraversion, leading to more connection and self-confidence in the feats I embark on. I have tried out so many different things that I was highly interested in, only to quit (blaming failure) because I didn’t belong “there” and did not really know what I was doing. I was just pretending in my head. With growth mindset, I can re-frame those “failures” as learning processes and even pick back up where I left off, not feeling subpar, but understanding that I am just learning and sharpening skills. The worst thing that can be happening is that I am discovering that a certain thing may just not end up being something that I really want to do.
In his Ted Talk, Sir Ken Robinson mentioned that “Talent is often buried, you have to go looking for it” (TEDx Talks, 2014). I would relate this statement to active growth mindset because one would be digging within to unbury talent under neuroticism and high levels of introversion and messiness (low conscientiousness). This is how I feel I have been coming out of my shell and fully intend to share this in my public address via TED Talk/podcast.
TEDx Talks [TEDx]. (2014, September 16). Life is your talents discovered |Sir Ken Robinson | TEDxLiverpool [Video]. YouTube.
Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2020). Personality psychology: Understanding yourself and others (2nd Ed.). Pearson Education.