you must reply to at least two more students’ post. one or two line answers will NOT be accepted and will not be given credit.
Nisha’s post:
An example of correlational research is a study that examines the relationship between hours of study and exam scores to determine if there is correlation between the two variables. Historical research is investigating primary sources like letters and historical documents to study the events leading up to past events. An example of descriptive research is conducting surveys to collect information about people habits in a certain community. Correlational research can be related to historical research by examining correlations between historical variables, helping historians identify potential patterns or relationships in historical data. Correlational research can be related to descriptive research by identifying correlations among descriptive characteristics or variables within a population, providing insights into associations or trends.
Jasmine’s Post:
In correlational research, the correlations between two or more variables are predominantly examined. Although it does not prove causation, it quantifies the strength and direction of these associations. For instance, a study might look at the relationship between daily exercise duration and general physical fitness. The crucial feature is that it displays associations rather than causality, illustrating how variables are connected without elaborating on why or which factors cause which effects. On the other hand, historical research aims to comprehend previous events, as well as their context, causes, and effects. It uses historical records, archives, and sources to piece together the past. An historical investigation, for instance, might look into the reasons behind the American Civil War or any important historical event. The goal is to give a thorough account of the past that explains why and how things happened. Descriptive The main goal of research is to provide in-depth knowledge on a certain phenomena, circumstance, or group. It defines the traits, actions, or attitudes of people in a specific setting. A survey gathering information on consumer preferences for a new product could serve as an illustration. Contrary to correlational research, it provides a thorough explanation of a particular topic or circumstance rather than concentrating on correlations or causes. There are numerous ways in which correlational research might be compared to historical and descriptive research. For instance, historical research can offer crucial context and background knowledge for correlational investigations, assisting researchers in comprehending how variables change through time. Data for correlational studies, which serve as the basis for correlation analysis, can be produced using descriptive research. Although the objectives and methodology of various research approaches are different, they can inform and supplement one another, giving researchers a more complete picture of the phenomena they are studying.