For your response posts, address the following:
1. How do the definitions in your classmates’ posts add to your understanding of personal
mission statements and goals?
2. What can you take away from your classmates’ perspectives and possibly incorporate
into yours?
Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two
response posts to your classmates.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
Peer 1:
Tariq Watkins
I believe the value of a personal mission statement and setting short term goals
are extremely important to have while pursuing anything doesn’t have to just for
academics. A personal mission statement is a great thing to utilize because it
holds you accountable for goals that you may have set, or it can be used for a
personal reminder that you have set a goal that you plan to obtain in the near
future. Setting a short-term goal allows you to have something to accomplish
while pursuing something much bigger, small wins is what I call it because it
leads to the goal that you are pursuing. For an example this is my second college
attempt and one of my short-term goals is to finish the first year because I never
get through my first year so setting short-term goals and having a personal
mission statement will help keep me grounded and focused when things may get
hard, but it will be your voice of reasons to keep going.
Peer 2:
Judy Clark
Personal mission statements help to keep me focused on what I am trying to achieve. It is easy
to become distracted or turn my focus in a new direction that does not support my long-term
goal. I’ve found it helpful to create goals that are measurable and achievable, not necessarily in
full S.M.A.R.T. format, but close enough that I can check in with my progress.
Creating goals that support achieving a long-term mission is important. Without goals, it is like
having a destination in a new geography you are trying to reach on a road trip, but you don’t
have a map. You may get there, but it might take longer than it needed to, or you may run out
of gas.
A personal example of creating a mission statement with supporting goals was when my family
decided to move from one state to another. Once we aligned on the mission, we set some
milestones that were important to ensure we completed the mission ahead of a school year
start for our son. Then we crafted the goals we would need to accomplish that would maximize
our home’s value on the sales side, ensure we found the right new home and would allow this
activity to have as little disruption to our day to day lives as possible. My husband and I checked
in our goals each week to ensure we did not lose focus on the roadmap that would get us to our
new location.
For this academic journey, I find that the long-term mission is easier to define as the journey
leads to a successful obtainment of a degree. The short-term goals then will focus on keeping
me on track to continue the journey and excel in my classes. I look forward to building this out
and holding myself accountable.