Explain the origins of biopsychology and the first theorists of biopsychology.
Does not identify the origins of biopsychology and the first theorists of biopsychology. |
Identifies the origins of biopsychology and the first theorists of biopsychology. |
Explains the origins of biopsychology and the first theorists of biopsychology. |
Analyzes the origins of biopsychology and the first theorists of biopsychology; includes details, theories, et cetera in the analysis. |
Explain the mind-brain problem.
Does not identify the mind-brain problem. |
Identifies the mind-brain problem. |
Explains the mind-brain problem. |
Explains the mind-brain problem; assesses one’s own position in context of this. |
Describe scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain.
Does not list scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain. |
Lists scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain. |
Describes scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain. |
Analyzes scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain. |
Describe the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research.
Does not describe the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research. |
Lists the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research. |
Describes the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research. |
Evaluates the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research and includes research specifically discussing the brain. |
Write in a manner that is concise, logically organized, and utilizes correct punctuation, spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
Does not write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. |
Writes to support an idea, but writing is inconsistent and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. |
Writes in a manner that is concise, logically organized, and utilizes correct punctuation, spelling, grammar, and mechanics. |
Writes coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. |
Use APA format and style.
Does not use APA format and style. |
Uses APA format and style but inconsistently and with errors. |
Uses APA format and style. |
Uses correct APA format and style consistently and with few errors. |