Part A
Observation and Assessment
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. This assignment allows students to observe and assess children at play by using three forms of observation/assessment tools.
The Assignment
Assignment: Observe children ages 0 to 3 engaged in play activities. This can be done in an infant classroom, a toddler classroom, a 3 year old classroom, a playground with a child ages 0-3, or any other location where there is a child 0-3 playing.
1: Conduct a 10-minute observation of a child 0-3 years old engaged in play. Provide pictures or a detailed description of the setting in which you are doing your observation, the age of the child you are observing, and include pictures of the play area and play materials the child is engaged in.
2: Identify a specific child behavior and design an instrument to measure the frequency of the behavior (how many times do they do the behavior you have identified). Use the tools given to you in your textbook readings for this week.
3: Use the instrument you have created to collect data from three different observations of the same child for 5 minutes each time.
4: Evaluate your instrument’s effectiveness in 4 or more sentences. Were you able to gather meaningful data? Would you change your instrument in any way? If yes, explain how and why you would change it.
Part B
Language Development and :NC Foundations
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Language development is the process by which children come to understand and communicate language during early childhood.
Read more:
The Assignment
Assignment: In this assignment you will use what you have learned in the chapter and what you find in the NCFELD book (link found below). There are 3 sub Domains under the domain Language and Development and Communication (LDC). Chose a Sub Domain, a Goal, a Developmental Indicator (DI), and create an activity to go with this DI for (1) an Infant, (2) a Toddler, (3) an Older Toddler, (4) a Young Preschooler and (5) an Older Preschooler.
Format for submission:(EXAMPLE)
1. Sub Domain: Learning to Communicate
Goal: LDC-1- Children understand coomunications from others.
Developmental Indicator: LDC-1a- Engage in indicidual and reciprocal sound exploration and play
Infant Activity:
2. Sub Domain:
Developmental Indicator:
Toddler Activity:
3. Sub Domain:
Developmental Indicator:
Older Toddler Activity:
4. Sub Domain:
Developmental Indicator:
Young Preschooler Activity:
5. Sub Domain:
Developmental Indicator:
Older Preschool Activity:
Grading Criteria
Maximum points are given when:
– Each Sub Domain, Goal, Developmental Indicator and activity is worth 5 points each.
– Points will be deducted if your Sub Domain, goal, Developmental Indicator or Activity does not match one another.
_ Points are deducted for errors in spelling and grammar. Also noted is clarity of the submission and students comprehension of the content.
Textbook chapter 2 and NCFELD
To Submit
Part C
Persona: Winston
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Personas are short stories about a child and family. Each persona offers information about the unique composition of the family, details about the child (name, age, likes, dislikes), and insights about who the child is as a learner. The persona also provides details, like whether a child is receiving services for a disability, is a dual language learner, or has experienced traumatic life circumstances.
You will read the following personna about Winston and use the provided information to respond to the questions.
Video: ” Cultural Competence” :
Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Recommendations for Effective Early Childhood Education
Winston is a three-year-old oftentimes referred to as “Sir”. He lives with his parents who are of Native American and African American descent. He is an only child in the household. The family dynamics are richly based in culture consistent to morals and being authentic.
Winston’s obsession with dinosaurs has evolved over the past two years. He is very strong in learning about dinosaurs and incorporating “his favorite” T-Rex in his learning and social environment. He loves to share his adventures with family and friends through literacy and play. Another strong emphasis Winston has is science, with particular emphasis on planets and outer space.
His mother is a strong advocate for literacy by which books are read to him daily. Winston has evolved in his reading by identifying objects, some words, and talking about the images he sees in the books. The concern his parents have is finding images in books that look like him.
Winston’s parents are concerned that he does not speak as clearly about other concepts outside of dinosaurs and nature. He is ready to learn new concepts introduced to him formally or informally. He is well versed in the alphabets, numbers to twenty, colors, shapes, opposites and some aspects of the earth such as differences in night and day, cold and hot.
Before answering the questions below, please review the provided text references from the textbook:
Chapter 7: pages 175-179, Chapter 2: pages 35-36, Chapter 1: pages 10-11, Chapter 9: pages 218-220 Chapter 10: pages 250-251
View the video:
” Cultural Competence” :
“Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Recommendations for Effective Early Childhood Education”
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