Relationship Chart – Rubric
Chart Content 48 points
Criteria Description
Address eight adult relationship types and provide substantive information regarding
advantages, disadvantages, and techniques to facilitate relationship success and well-
5. Target 48 points
Worksheet expertly describes the eight adult relationship types, including the
advantages and disadvantages of each, and techniques to facilitate relationship
success and well-being. The description is comprehensive and insightful with
relevant evidence to support claims with at least one expert source integrated into
each row.
4. Acceptable 40.8 points
Worksheet clearly describes the eight adult relationship types, including the
advantages and disadvantages of each, and techniques to facilitate relationship
success and well-being. The description is strong with sound analysis and at least
one expert source integrated each row to support claims.
3. Approaching 36 points
Worksheet adequately describes the eight adult relationship types, including the
advantages and disadvantages of each, and techniques to facilitate relationship
success and well-being, but description is limited and lacks some evidence to
support claims. One expert source was not integrated into each row.
2. Insufficient 31.2 points
Worksheet inadequately describes the eight adult relationship types, including the
advantages and disadvantages of each, and techniques to facilitate relationship
success and well-being, but the description is weak. The description is missing
evidence to support claims.
1. Unsatisfactory 0 points
Worksheet omits or incompletely describes the eight adult relationship types.
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Follow-up Questions 16 points
Criteria Description
Address the follow-up questions in a significant and meaningful way to apply the
information within the chart to real-world situations.
5. Target 16 points
The follow-up questions are answered skillfully with information from the chart
incorporated and elaborated. The integration of current academic references is
exceptional. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
4. Acceptable 13.6 points
The follow-up questions are advanced and answered with meaningful connections
made to the chart. The integration of current academic references is seamless.
Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the
3. Approaching 12 points
The follow-up questions are adequate and answered with logical connections made
to the chart. The integration of current academic references is appropriate.
Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
2. Insufficient 10.4 points
The follow-up questions are vague and answered with limited connections made to
the chart and without evidence to support claims. Worksheet demonstrates a poor
understanding of the topic.
1. Unsatisfactory 0 points
The follow-up questions are incomplete or missing. Worksheet does not
demonstrate understanding of the topic.
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Mechanics of Writing 8 points
Criteria Description
Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence
structure, etc.
5. Target 8 points
No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence
structure are used throughout.
4. Acceptable 6.8 points
Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence
structure are used.
3. Approaching 6 points
Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally
appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.
2. Insufficient 5.2 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language
choice or sentence structure are recurrent.
1. Unsatisfactory 0 points
Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language
choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.
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Format/Documentation 8 points
Criteria Description
Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level;
documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc.,
appropriate to assignment and discipline.
5. Target 8 points
No errors in formatting or documentation are present.
4. Acceptable 6.8 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.
3. Approaching 6 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious
2. Insufficient 5.2 points
Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors
in documentation of sources are evident.
1. Unsatisfactory 0 points
Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.
Total 80 points
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