Java eclipse
Assignment 5: If statements
In this assignment you will create a short text-based adventure game. The user is presented with a short text description of the state of the game and a small set of alternative actions to take. Based on the user’s response your program will present a different game state. This continues until the game ends; there may be several possible endings with different degrees of success. The text of the game state and the alternatives are provided in a table below. In each case where an input is given by the user, “other” denotes any number other than those explicitly listed in that action.
Functional requirements:
1. The results of the user’s actions should be clear; make sure you use whitespace to separate the list of alternative actions from the description of the next game state.
2. Each time the user acquires or loses an object, (such as the purse) you must print a message about the object before describing the next game state.
Non-functional requirements:
1. You need not handle non-numeric data (it’s ok if the program crashes for an input of “a”).
Grading rubric (described here):
Performance Indicator
Readability and documentation
Use of conditional operators
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
Sample Run
Sir Hero, you have just left your castle gate in search of adventure. You begin the journey with a horse, a sword, and a purse of coins. Along the road you meet a decrepit old man who offers you a gold coin. What do you do?
1: Accept the coin, add it to your purse
2: Decline the coin, but give the generous old man all of your money
Other: Ignore the man and ride on
Enter an integer: 2
Decline the coin, but give the generous old man all of your money
You have lost the purse.
A mile past the old man a wandering grue menaces you with its fearsome claws. Grue are well known to be immune to the cut of a sword. What do you do?
1: Attack the grue with your something other than your sword
2: Attack the grue with your sword
3: Ride past the grue
other: Turn back to your castle
Enter an integer: 3
You ride past the grue.
The grue leaps after you, taking down your noble steed from behind. You sneak away while it eats your horse.
You have lost the horse.
Escaping the fearsome grue, you finally have the good fortune to encounter a proper opponent, a dragon, which you defeat with your mighty sword. Its head would make a wondrous trophy hanging in your hall, but the treasure it hordes would also be most welcome. Which is more important?
1: treasure is most important
other: trophy is most important
Enter an integer: 7
You think the trophy is more important.
While impressed with your dragon-head trophy, the serfs at your castle are disappointed that not only did you fail to bring back any treasure; you lost what you had when you set out. They kick you out of the castle and install a new knight in your place. You turn to turnip farming.
Your tale has ended.
State Table
User input
Outcome of each input
“Sir Hero, you have just left your castle gate in search of adventure. You begin the journey with a horse, a sword, and a purse of coins. Along the road you meet a decrepit old man who offers you a gold coin. What do you do?”
1: accept the coin, add it to your purse
go to state 3
2: decline the coin, give the old man all of your money
go to state 2
purse = false
other: ride on
go to state 2
“A mile past the old man a wandering grue menaces you with its fearsome claws. Grue are well known to be immune to the cut of a sword. What do you do?”
1: attack the grue with your something other than your sword
if purse == true go to state 4
else go to state 5
2: attack the grue with your sword
go to state 8
3: ride on, avoid the grue
go to state 6
other: return to your castle
if purse == true go to state 9
else go to state 3
“When you return to your castle you find that your serfs are very disappointed in your lack of heroism; they kick you out of the castle and install a new knight in your place. You turn to turnip farming.”
End program
“You rush to attack the grue, grabbing the only other weapon at hand, your coin purse. Your blows have no effect. The grue slashes at you but hits the coin purse, spilling gold coins everywhere. The grue gathers the coins and ignores you.”
other: ride on
purse = false
go to state 7
“You rush to attack the grue with you bare hands, and it swallows you whole.”
End program
“The grue leaps after you, taking down your noble steed from behind. You sneak away while it eats your horse.”
other: walk on
horse = false
go to state 7
“Escaping the fearsome grue, you finally have the good fortune to encounter a proper opponent, a dragon, which you defeat with your mighty sword. Its head would make a wondrous trophy hanging in your hall, but the treasure it hordes would also be most welcome. Which is more important?”
1: treasure is most important
if horse==true go to state 10
else go to state 11
other: trophy is most important
if purse==true go to state 10
else go to state 12
“The grue swallows you, sword and all.
End program
“When you return to your castle you find that your serfs are very disappointed in your lack of heroism, but you pay for a lavish feast with your purse of gold and all is well.”
End program
“You return to your castle in triumph. Huzzah!”
End program
“Without a horse, the burden of the treasure proves too much for you; you perish on the road from fatigue.”
End program
“While impressed with your dragon-head trophy, the serfs at your castle are disappointed that not only did you fail to bring back any treasure, you lost what you had when you set out. They kick you out of the castle and install a new knight in your place. You turn to turnip farming.”
End program