Global Strategy: Mission, Vision, and Values
· Identify major components of the strategic management process.
· Compare domestic and international approaches to strategy formulation.
· Define organizational mission, vision, and values statements.
· Explain the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in strategic planning.
1. Readings
Read objectives and welcome.
Read Ch. 1, 3, & 12 of The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases.
Read Ch. 2 of Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control.
Read Ch. 1 of Total Global Strategy II.
Read Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1989). Strategic intent. Harvard Business Review, 67(3), in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Activities
Complete the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments found on the student Web site.
3. Discussion Questions
Identify the major components of a strategic management process. Which of these components is the most difficult for managers to perform? Explain your answer.
How are the ethics of executives or ethical standards relevant to the process of strategy formulation? Should they be explicitly discussed in vision or valued statements? Explain your answer.
4. Learning Team Activity:
Resources: Virtual Organizations Web site
Review virtual organization: Riordan Manufacturing Hangzhou, China, Operation or other with facilitator approval) for the strategic plan assignments.
Attain faculty approval.
5. Individual Assignment: Approaches to Global Strategy
Choose two international countries (both should be outside the United States), one to serve as the base anorganization of your choice (it cannot be in the United States), and the other as a target for expansion of the organization. You may use the Riordan Manufacturing—Hangzhou, China, Operation as your firm for this assignment if you have trouble picking a firm.
Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words in which you do the following:
o Identify the phases of the strategic management process;
o Compare domestic and international approaches for each phase;
o Summarize a global comparison between domestic and international approaches to strategic management;
o Explain the role of ethics and responsibility in each phase;
o Summarize the role of the entire strategic management process in global strategy.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Environmental Scanning
· Analyze the competitive situation facing the global firm.
· Determine how to create value and sustained competitive advantage through global strategy.
· Evaluate an organization’s internal and external environments using an environmental scan.
1. Readings
Read Ch. 4 of The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases.
Read Ch. 2-4 of Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage
Read Ch. 2 of Total Global Strategy II.
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Discussion Questions
Define the industry in which your organization operates, such as a food industry or other. Using a global perspective, identify the most competitively important structural elements, or Five Forces, of this industry. Why are these structural elements the most important?
Using the framework in Exhibit 4.1 in Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control (Pearce & Robinson), profile the factors in the remote external environment as they apply to your industry and organization. Which factors are likely to have the greatest effect on the industry over the next five years?
3. Individual Assignment: Situational Analysis
Use the same organization you chose for your individual assignment last week.
Conduct a situational analysis of the organization that includes:
o The organization’s mission, vision, and values;
o Consideration of broad environmental forces affecting the firm, and the potential for global expansion;
o An assessment of industry structure using the Porter Five Forces Model, and,
o A critical assessment of organizational SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) factors.
Write an analysis of no more than 1.050 words that explains the structure of the industry and competitive situation facing the organization in the global market.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Global Strategic Options
· Compare strategic options.
· Profile risk and uncertainty for global strategies.
1. Readings
Read Ch. 10 of The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases.
Read Ch. 6 & 7 of Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage.
Read Ch. 3 & 4 of Total Global Strategy II.
Read Handy, C. R., Kaufman, P., & Martinez, S. (1996, May-August). Direct Investment is primary strategy to access foreign markets. Food Review, at
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Discussion Questions
Through your research, select two strategic plan options that could apply to a global organization of your choice. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each option? How does each of the two options fit with both the competitive situation and the organizational situation?
Using the risk profiling framework in Figure 8.1 of the Barney text, profile the relative risk of your strategic plan options on both technological and marketing uncertainty dimensions. What sorts of global positioning strategies does this analysis suggest?
3. Learning Team Assignment: Evaluating Options: Strategic Plan—Part 1
Choose 2 strategic options for Riordan for creating or expanding global operations for the company chosen in Week One.
Write a review of no more than 1,750 words that includes the following information:
o Company background;
o Organizational mission, vision, and value statements;
o A description of each option in terms of competitive advantage and potential for value creation;
o Situational Analysis from Week Two and assessment of competitive advantage.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Complete a Learning Team peer feedback form. You won’t be graded on the ratings you receive, but you will be graded on whether you turn one in, one course point. It’s peer feedback I’ll consolidate and return to you with your Week 3 feedback. Use the template in the Course Materials forum and return to me by posting in your Individual forum. There will be no other peer feedback required in the course.
Global Strategic Choice and Evaluation
· Describe structural, leadership, and cultural considerations that must be incorporated into international strategic implementation.
· Choose appropriate strategies for the global organization.
· Develop supportive marketing and operational tactics for the global firm.
1. Readings
Read Ch. 11, 13, & 14 of Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage.
Read Ch. 6 & 8 of Total Global Strategy II.
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Discussion Questions
What are some of the structural, leadership, and cultural considerations that need to be included in the strategy implementation for a global organization?
How does the nature of marketing change for a global venture or product? What unique challenges face the global marketer? Explain your answer.
3. Individual Assignment: Making Strategic Decisions
Create the strategy for Riordan based on the Learning Team analyses in Week Three. Synthesize the parts of each option that create sustainable competitive advantage for the organization.
Write a recommendation of no more than 1,050 words that
o Describes the structural, leadership, and cultural considerations facing the organization as it begins or expands global operations;
o Details the supportive marketing and operational tactics that are required to execute this strategy;
o Includes a revised organizational chart for the organization.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Implementing the Global Strategy
· Explain key success factors for monitoring and evaluating performance deviation during international strategic implementation.
· Create an implementation plan that includes objectives, functional tactics, and action items.
· Create a risk management plan that includes contingency plans for identified risks.
1. Readings
Read Ch. 8 of The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases.
Read Ch. 10 & 13 of Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control.
Read De Meyer, A., Loch, C. H., & Pich, M. T. (2002, Winter). Managing project uncertainty: From variation to chaos. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(2), in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Discussion Questions
Identify three different, measurable metrics for tracking implementation of a global strategy. Why are these metrics important to monitor?
How are the risks in implementing a global strategy greater than those in implementing a domestic strategy? Which risks are the greatest? Explain your answer.
3. Learning Team Assignment: Implementing Strategy: Strategic Plan—Part 2
Write Part 2 of the strategic plan for your global organization in no more than 1,750 words, which includes the following:
o Review of the individual strategies (based on the individual assignment in Week Four);
o Recommendation of the best strategy for the organization;
o Implementation plan: Create a WBS and Gantt chart for the new strategy that includes:
§ Objectives
§ Functional tactics
§ Action items
§ Milestones
§ Tasks
§ Resource allocation
§ Deadline
o Analysis of the key success factors for plan implementation;
o Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks;
o Plan for ongoing evaluation of the strategy, including likely performance measures and benchmark.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Global Strategy
· Construct a strategic plan for an international organization.
1. Readings
Read Ch. 18 of The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases.
Read Ch. 9-11 of Total Global Strategy II.
Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Read material posted in course materials.
2. Discussion Questions
In his framework for developing a global strategic plan, Yip in Ch. 11 argues for evaluation of global strategic levers. Evaluate the levers at work in your proposed strategy for Riordan or other organization. Which levers are most important to the success of the venture, and why?
Based on your experience and other reading, discuss different methods and techniques of communication and presentation that persuade the audience to take action.
3. Individual Assignment: Executive Summary Presentation: Strategic Plan—Part 3
Create an executive summary presentation of your Learning Team’s strategic plan for the global organization. Create the presentation in Powerpoint and use no more than 12 slides. You are presenting this to a board that will decide whether to invest in your plan. Notes are not required for the presentation because you have already written the papers.
Elements of the executive summary presentation:
o Identify the main points of the plan developed in the Learning Team assignments.
o Ensure a logical progression that begins with your bottom line and leads to a conclusion that repeats and validates the bottom line of your presentation.
o Provide graphics to supplement text.
Format your presentation in a way that makes your points most effectively. Since you are summarizing the material from your Learning Team assignments, you do not have to have a slide listing references.