Hart City Case Study – Scenario 2
© 2020 Walden University 1
Hart City Case Study – Scenario 2
Program Transcript
FEMALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon, everyone. I wanted it to come together to finalize
the details of our coming Don’t Text and Drive campaign. We decided that this
campaign will target teens, but how do we get the message out?
MALE SPEAKER: We could host a function here at the community center, combining
driver safety education with games. It would be like a fair, but the theme would be driver
education. We could look at a few Saturday afternoon dates.
FEMALE SPEAKER: I like the idea of a fair but with a client-centered approach. I don’t
believe teens would want to spend Saturday afternoon learning about driver safety,
even if it is a fair. Perhaps we should hold the function at local schools. If we held the
function here, our space would be limited. And we would need to organize safe
transportation for teens. If we partner with the local schools, we can hold several fairs in
gymnasiums or outdoor fields. Then we can reach a larger number of teens and they
would travel to and from school as normal.
FEMALE SPEAKER: I like that idea, Natasha. Devin, I think we can partner with schools
to host a fair for one class period for the junior class and one class period for the senior
class. That would be a 90-minute function for each group. If we chose this route, we
could have the teachers and administrators assist with chaperoning the event. What do
you think?
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, partnering with the schools would be more cost-effective and
safer because the teens are traveling to and from school as usual. We would be splitting
the cost of the fair with the school, because they are providing the venue and may
contribute funds towards food and snacks for the fair. After all, they do have budgeted
funding for special events and educational programming. I can give Superintendent
Ross a call to get her feedback and to discuss our desire to partner with the school.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Thank you, Devin, for volunteering to lead in that area. Also, we
should probably launch a social media aspect of the campaign to engage teens where
they have the most substantial presence.
FEMALE SPEAKER: We can use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts about safe
driving and the dangers of texting and driving to spark conversation. I can draft a few
MALE SPEAKER: It would be nice if we get some of the youth ambassadors involved.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Yes, teens have a greater influence on one another than we would
have on them. Let’s partner with some of our youth ambassadors to help lead the social
Hart City Case Study – Scenario 2
© 2020 Walden University 2
media campaign. Natasha, can you oversee that part of the project. Reach out to a few
of the ambassadors to see who would be interested in helping. Let’s schedule a
stakeholder teleconference for next Tuesday at 5:00 PM. We can invite Superintendent
Ross and the youth ambassadors to talk about the parameters of the partnership, roles
and responsibilities, and details of the fair. In the meantime, I’ll work on fine tuning the
Don’t Text and Drive presentation to make it interactive and fun.
Hart City Case Study – Scenario 2
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