BCOBM112 Managing People and Organizations Task brief & rubrics Professor: Dr. Olga Leontjeva
• An individual task.
• Present the result of your research on training and performance & remuneration challenges facing people managers in contemporary international
organization/s of your choice.
• Expected table of contents:
o A brief description of the company/s (industry, structure, mission, the period of activity analysed).
o Define and describe the challenge the organisation has or ever had in the past.
▪ If the organisation succeeded in overcoming the challenge, identify and evaluate the winning decisions of the managers related to this
▪ If the organisation failed overcoming the challenge, identify and evaluate the wrong decisions of the managers related to this failure.
▪ If the organisation is still experiencing the challenging situation, propose your solutions (identify positive aspects of your proposals as
well as possible drawbacks/risks associated).
• Use relevant vocabulary and concepts covered within the course.
• Use reliable sources of information!
• Format: a .pdf document.
• Wordcount: 1500 words -/+ 10%.
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week 13 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Sunday 21st January 2024, 23:59.
Weight: This task is 60% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: Identify employee training needs, as well as methods and tools used to create effective training programs.
• Outcome 2: Identify characteristics of effective performance management and employee reward systems.
Learning Descriptors Fail Below 60% Marginal Fail 60-69% Fair 70-79 % Good 80-89% Exceptional 90-100%
Purpose &
Very poor coverage of central
purpose, goals, research
questions or arguments with
little relevant information
evident. Virtually no evidence of
understanding or focus.
Minimal understanding of
purpose of the study; factual
errors evident. Gaps in
knowledge and superficial
understanding. A few lines of
relevant material.
Reasonable understanding and
clearly identifies the purpose,
goals, research questions or
Reflect partial achievement of
learning outcomes.
A sound grasp of, and clearly
identifies, the purpose, goals,
research questions or argument.
Some wider study beyond the
classroom content shown.
Effectively describes and explains
the central purpose, arguments,
research questions, or goals of
the project; explanation is
focused, detailed and
compelling. Recognition of
alternative forms of evidence
beyond that supplied in the
Analytical / Critical
Thinking Skills
30 %
Research problems, concepts
or ideas are not clearly
articulated, or its component
elements are not identified
or described. Research
information is poorly
organized, categorized
and/or not examined;
research information is often
inaccurate or incomplete.
Presents little if any analysis
or interpretation;
inaccurately and/or
inappropriately applies
research methods,
techniques, models,
frameworks and/or theories
to the analysis. Presents few
solutions or conclusions;
solutions or conclusions are
often not well supported, are
inaccurate and/or
inconsistent, and are
presented in a vague or
rudimentary manner.
Research problems, concepts
or ideas are not clearly
articulated at times and
confusing. Research
information is badly
organized, categorized,
and/or only superficially
examined; research
information is often
incomplete. Presents limited
analysis or interpretation;
inaccurately and/or
inappropriately applies
research methods,
techniques, models,
frameworks and/or theories
to the analysis. Presents
some solutions or
conclusions but they are
often not well supported, or
Adequately identifies and
describes (or sketches out)
the research problem,
concept or idea and its
components. Gathers and
examines information
relating to the research
problem, concept, or idea;
presents and appraises
research information with
some minor inconsistencies,
irrelevancies, or omissions.
Generally, applies
appropriate research
methods, techniques,
models, frameworks and/or
theories although with
inaccuracies. Outlines
solutions or conclusions that
are somewhat logical and
consistent with the analysis
and evidence; identifies
and/or lists solutions or
conclusions although not
always clearly.
Formulates a clear
description of the research
problem, concept, or idea,
and specifies major elements
to be examined. Selects
information appropriate to
addressing the research
problem, concept, or idea;
accurately and appropriately
analyses and interprets
relevant research
information. Effectively
applies appropriate research
methods, techniques,
models, frameworks and/or
theories in developing and
justifying multiple solutions
or conclusions; solutions or
conclusions are coherent,
well supported, and
Effectively formulates a clear
description of the research
problem, concept, or idea,
and specifies major elements
to be examined. Selects and
prioritizes information
appropriate to addressing
the research problem,
concept, or idea; accurately
and appropriately analyzes
and interprets relevant
research information.
Precisely and effectively
applies appropriate research
methods, employs advanced
skills to conduct research.
Uses techniques, models,
frameworks and/or theories
in developing and justifying
multiple solutions or
conclusions; solutions or
conclusions are insightful,
coherent, well supported,
logically consistent and
complete. Displays a mastery
of complex and specialized
Integration Skills
30 %
Shows little ability to employ
theory and practice across
the functional areas of
business in the assessment
of issues relating to the
research problem, concept,
or idea. Does not recognize
or correctly identify cross-
functional organizational
issues relevant to the
research problem, concept,
or idea. Does not
adequately evaluate the
research problem, concept,
or idea considering relevant
principles, theories, and
practices across the
business functional areas.
Few if any solutions,
recommendations for action,
or conclusions are
presented, and/or they are
not appropriately justified
or supported.
Shows some ability to employ
theory and practice across the
functional areas of business in
the assessment of issues
relating to research
problems, concepts, or idea.
Recognizes organizational
issues relevant to the research
problem, concept or idea but
does not show
understanding. Does not
adequately evaluate the
research problem, concept,
or idea considering relevant
principles, theories, and
practices across the business
functional areas. Some
solutions offered but difficult
to understand.
Recommendations for action,
or conclusions are presented,
but they are often not well
supported, or logical.
Exhibits application of
principles, theories, and
practices across the
functional areas of business
to the analysis of the
research problem, concept
or idea. With some
exceptions, outlines and
describes (or sketches out)
some cross- functional
organizational issues that
are relevant to the research
problem, concept, or idea.
Adequately identifies and
describes (or summarizes)
solutions, recommendations
for action, or conclusions
that are, for the most part,
appropriate, but which need
to be more aligned with
principles and concepts in
the functional areas of
Demonstrates an ability to
integrate and apply
principles, theories, and
practices across the
functional areas of business
to the analysis of the
research problem, concept,
or idea.
Identifies, examines, and
critically evaluates important
cross- functional
organizational issues
associated with the research
problem, concept, or idea.
Clearly justifies solutions,
recommendations for action,
or conclusions based on
analytics and an insightful
synthesis of cross-
disciplinary principles and
concepts in the functional
areas of business.
Demonstrates well-
developed ability to
integrate and apply
principles, theories, and
practices across the
functional areas of business
to the analysis of the
research problem, concept,
or idea. Effectively identifies,
examines, and critically
evaluates important cross-
functional organizational
issues associated with the
research problem, concept,
or idea. Clearly and
effectively justify solutions,
recommendations for
action, or conclusions based
on strong analytics and an
insightful synthesis of cross-
disciplinary principles and
concepts in the functional
areas of business. Can link
thinking across disciplines
and contexts.
Written Communication
Set 10%
The written project exhibits
multiple errors in grammar,
sentence structure and/or
spelling. Inadequate writing
skills (e.g., weaknesses in
language facility and
mechanics) hinder
readability and contribute to
an ineffective research
The written project exhibits
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and spelling.
The written project comes
across as untidy and not
properly checked for
mistakes. Errors present in
written communication
make readability frustrating.
Written research project
displays good word choice,
language conventions and
mechanics with a few minor
errors in spelling, grammar,
sentence structure and/or
punctuation. Errors do not
represent a major distraction
or obscure meaning.
The readability of the project
is good due to the clarity of
language used. Grammar,
spelling, and punctuation are
without error.
Spelling and grammar
thoroughly checked.
The readability of the project
is enhanced by facility in
language use/word choice.
Excellent mechanics and
syntactic variety. Uses
language conventions
effectively (e.g., spelling,
punctuation, sentence
structure, paragraphing,
grammar, etc.).