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BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Define the basic concepts of biological science.
1.1 Define various biological terms.
1.2 Recall the difference between artificial selection of organisms and genetically modifying


4. Explain Mendel’s approach to studying genetics.
4.1 Distinguish between single gene traits and qualitative or quantitative traits.

8. Interpret biological data.

8.1 Interpret heredity traits based on charted information.
8.2 Recall the sequence of various biological processes.

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 9: Biology of Wrongful Convictions

Chapter 10: Genetically Modified Organisms

Unit Lesson

This is a very important unit because all aspects of this unit can directly affect you and your family. This unit
addresses information from Chapters 9 and 10. In Chapter 9, “Biology of Wrongful Convictions,” you will
discover more about genetics and DNA profiling. In Chapter 10, “Genetically Modified Organisms,” you will
learn about what genes actually do, how they operate, and how to manipulate that operation.

In the previous unit, we learned that chromosomes come in pairs and that many pea plant traits also come in
pairs. The plants were either tall or short, the flower color was either purple or white, and so on. Mendel
correctly deduced that traits are carried on pairs of chromosomes, but he also knew that some traits in other
organisms are not one or the other. Obviously, human skin color is not one color or the other. Mendel
attempted to figure this out by studying Hawkweed but was unable to discern what was happening (Nogler,
2006). We now know that many traits are influenced by multiple genes rather than just two.

DNA and Genetic Engineering

BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 2


Seeing how genetics show up in families can be very interesting. Suppose a family has three sons. In this
example, which involves a real family, the oldest son looks like his father but thinks—and to some extent,
acts—like his mother. The middle son looks like his mother but thinks and acts like his father. Some of that is
good, some not so good, the parents say jokingly, adding that their youngest son is none of the above. He is
unique in the family. As a rule, many parents have noticed things about themselves that show up in their
children. But then, how could that not happen? After all, half of the child’s genetic code came from each
parent. What is surprising is how combining half of the father’s DNA with half of the mother’s DNA can
produce such different people. It would be interesting to know what Mendel would have to say about it.

We have all watched crime shows on TV and read about criminal investigations in the newspaper. How can
scientists take a single shred of evidence and determine who did or did not commit a crime? In TV shows, the
crime is investigated, the evidence is analyzed, and the crime is solved. Is it really that easy? Is DNA
fingerprinting a time-consuming process? In this unit, you will learn how forensic scientists can take a sample
of DNA and figure out who committed a crime.

Since parents each provide only half of each child’s DNA, and there is an infinite number of combinations
possible, every person on the planet has a unique set of genetic material. The Polymerase Chain Reaction is
an artificial way of replicating relatively large quantities of a person’s DNA (Belk & Maier, 2019). Using certain
techniques that you will study in this unit, scientists can use this replicated DNA to identify or exclude people
in certain circumstances. For example, using the DNA obtained in a rape examination can be used to identify
the perpetrator or exclude an innocent person.

Would you eat a genetically modified organism (GMO)? Would you want to be cloned? Should research be
conducted using stem cells? Some of these words and terms sound more like science fiction instead of
science, and just a few years ago they were. Today, these terms are commonly used in society. We hear
them on the news. We hear debates concerning whether these processes are morally acceptable or if they
should be banned. In Chapter 10, you will learn who is involved in genetic engineering, how and what types of
organisms are being genetically engineered, and what effects modifying various organisms may have on the
environment. Should we genetically modify plants and animals? Will it hurt us if we eat animals that receive
hormones or are genetically altered? What is a clone? Would a clone act like its “parent?” Will the clone look
like its “parent”? Are developing embryos being destroyed just to perform stem cell research? You will find the
answers to these and many more questions in this unit.

On July 1, 2018, the world population was estimated to be 7,632,819,325 (Worldometers, n.d.) Do we have
room for more? Can we provide food on a global scale to our current population? With increasing population,
there is a need for more food. When populations increase, the land available to grow food decreases

(Andreasfischer, n.d.)

BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 3


because people have to have a place to live. How do we provide enough food for more people when we have
less land?

Scientists think they have an answer: genetically modified
organisms (GMOs). Scientists have figured out how to modify
the genes of plants, animals, and other organisms. How does
this help with our food supply? If we can genetically modify a
corn plant to grow double or triple the number of ears per stalk,
we can decrease the amount of land required to grow corn. If
we can genetically modify a plant to be pest resistant, we can
use fewer pesticides, and we will have a larger yield. Some
chemical companies are modifying crop plants to be resistant
to certain herbicides that can then be used to kill weeds and
not hurt the crop (Belk & Maier, 2019).

Are these good solutions? On the surface, this sounds scary.
Are there consequences to genetically modifying an organism?
Can GMOs be safe and effective? What about genetically
modifying a human?

In 1990, a 13-year research endeavor called the Human
Genome Project began (Enterprise Ireland, 2015). It was
coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the
National Institutes of Health. The project goals included:

• identifying all of the approximately 20,000-25,000
genes in human DNA;

• determining the sequences of the three billion
chemical base pairs that make up human DNA;

• storing this information in databases;
• improving tools for data analysis;
• transferring related technologies to the private sector; and
• addressing the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that might arise from the project.

A genome includes the entire DNA in an organism. If the DNA could be identified, this could result in being
able to cure diseases, understand evolution, and possibly even clone a human. At first glance, this would
seem like a wondrous achievement; however, there are numerous ethical issues to consider.

• Who should have access to the information, and how should the information be used?
• Who should regulate and own the information?
• How does genetic information affect members of society?
• How reliable is the information, and how safe is genetic testing?
• Should genetic testing be conducted when there is no cure for the genetic disorder or disease?

Where do we draw the line? Yes, we all wish for optimal health for ourselves, our families, our friends, and
others. However, when is enough, enough? Can we support an increasing population if more people live
longer? Would this perhaps end up causing the placement of restrictions on births?

The current population is a result of natural births and natural deaths. Considering that our population is
increasing and we are already concerned about the Earth supporting and feeding the current numbers, should
we even be thinking about cloning? What is a clone? Does cloning occur naturally? Would a cloned person be
able to think, feel, cry, love, and so on, or would he or she simply be a robot that exists in a laboratory?

Cloning is a hot topic. We hear about cloned cells, cloned plants, cloned animals, and cloned bacteria, and
there is even mention of cloning humans. Do we need cloned humans? What about cloned organs? Do you
know anyone who has ever received an organ transplant or needed one? How great would it be to have extra
organs housed in a laboratory just in case we need them later in life? What about stem cells? What is a stem
cell? What can it do?

The use of GMO technology could help increase
the yield from corn and other crops to help feed
our growing population.
(Sspiehs, 2007)

BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 4


Over the past few years, you may have noticed that stem cells are a fascinating and controversial topic.
Most people have an opinion of whether or not we should be conducting stem cell research; however, few
people actually understand what stem cells are, where they are harvested, and what they can be used for.
In this unit, you will learn about the significance of stem cell research. You will learn about the various types
of stem cells, how they are formed, and some of the current issues concerning stem cell research. Most of
the controversy is not about the stem cells themselves, but rather where they are coming from (Belk &
Maier, 2019).

The research concerning stem cells is quite exciting. For example, you may know that Type I diabetes is an
autoimmune disease that destroys the insulin producing cells. When the body cannot make insulin, Type I
diabetes results. Scientists are working on stimulating stem cells to make insulin (Goldthwaite, n.d.). Imagine
how wonderful it would be to cure Type I diabetes.

The 1997 movie Gattaca is about a society that separates people based on their DNA (Devito, Shamberg,
Sher, & Lyon, 1997). If you watched Gattaca in 1997, you probably thought it was far-fetched. However, a
great deal of what was represented in the movie can now be accomplished. This brings up a disturbing
question: Will insurance companies someday be able to study your DNA, determine that you have a higher
risk of developing a disease, and, based on that knowledge, decline to insure you?

This unit includes a great deal of information about current topics. Technology is moving at a tremendous
pace and no longer just includes things such as computers, automobiles, and other machines. Technology
includes humans. We are humans, and we need to understand how advancements in technology affects us,
other organisms, and the environment in which we live.


Andreasfischer. (n.d.). Genetics – word cloud 2, ID 24634708 [Image].


Belk, C., & Maier, V. B. (2019). Biology: Science for life with physiology (6th ed.). Pearson.

Devito, D., Shamberg, M., Sher, S., & Lyon, G. (Producers) & Niccol, A. (Director). (1997). Gattaca [Motion

picture]. Columbia.

The illustration at left
indicates diseases and
conditions for which stem
cell treatment showed
promising or emerging
results in 2009 (when the
image was created).
Research concerning stem
cell treatments continues
globally, but at the present
time, only a few clinical uses
of stem cell research have
been approved.
(EuroStemCell, n.d.).

(Häggström, 2009)

BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 5


Enterprise Ireland. (2015). Getting personal: Biotechnology moving towards tailor-made medicines. Science &
Technology in Action (2nd ed., Lesson 4).

EuroStemCell. (n.d.). What diseases and conditions can be treated with stem cells?

Goldthwaite, C. A. (n.d.). Are stem cells the next frontier for diabetes treatment?

Häggström, M. (2009). Stem cell treatments [Image]. Wikimedia

Nogler, G. A. (2006). The lesser-known Mendel: His experiments on Hieracium.

Sspiehs3. (2007). Harvest, corn, fall, agriculture, ethanol, food, field [Photograph]. Pixabay

Worldometers. (n.d.). Current world population.

Suggested Unit Resources

What if you could choose the features that make up your physical appearance, remove the possibility that you
could develop cancer or other diseases, or basically become anything you want to be? Well, those may not
be totally possible, but scientists are discovering that stem cells can help achieve at least some of those
science fiction-like results. Learn more about stem cells and their remarkable abilities by reading the article
linked below.

Brazier, Y. (n.d.). What are stem cells, and what do they do?

Learning Activities (Nongraded)

Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.

Paternity Testing Using STRs Polymorphisms

Introduction: This exercise provides a practical but simplified demonstration of how Short Tandem Repeats
(STRs) polymorphisms are used to determine paternity. It also gives you a chance to see what those rows of
bars on a gel electrophoresis (DNA profile) represent. While forensic analysis typically looks at a minimum of
10 loci, and often many more, this exercise uses only three STRs loci.

Read the instructions and respond to the questions. You can check your answers using the answer key
provided at the end of this exercise.


1. Review STRs in Chapter 9 page 176 of the textbook, where it explains DNA profiling. Half of the
chromosomes and alleles that a child carries are inherited from one parent; the other half come from
the other parent. In addition, the 13 STR sites have random amount of DNA repeats in them, making
everyone’s DNA profile unique.

2. In the example provided below, you can see that the bands are clustered into three groups: The b
group shows everyone being homozygous for a single allele, except for Chris. Everyone is
heterozygous for the a and c groups.

3. Consider the following scenario:

BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 6


a. Alex and Barb are a separated couple.
b. Chris is Barb’s new boyfriend.
c. Doug and Ellen are children born to Alex and Barb when they were still together.
d. Frank was born after Alex and Barb separated. Barb wants Alex to pay child support.
e. Alex does not believe that Frank is his child. He asked for a genetic analysis—a paternity test—to

support his case.

This DNA profile shows some of the results of the STRs analysis for Alex, Barb, Chris, and the children:

1. Can Alex be Frank’s father? Why, or why not?
2. Can Chris be Frank’s father? Why, or why not?
3. Does this test prove conclusively that either man is Frank’s father? Why, or why not?
4. Does this test prove conclusively that either man is excluded from being Frank’s father? Why, or why


BIO 1301, Non-Majors Biology 7


Answer key:

1. Can Alex be Frank’s father? Why, or why not? No, Frank does not have a c-group fragment that could
have come from Alex.

2. Can Chris be Frank’s father? Why, or why not? Yes, Frank has an STR pattern consistent with
inheriting one of each group from Barb and the other from Chris.

3. Does this test prove conclusively that either man is Frank’s father? No, it does not exclude others
who might have a similar STR pattern to Chris.

4. Does this test prove conclusively that either man is excluded from being Frank’s father? Why, or why
not? Not completely. Alex could possibly be Frank’s father if a mutation changed the STR pattern that
Frank inherited from Alex.

  • Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III
  • Required Unit Resources
  • Unit Lesson
  • Suggested Unit Resources
  • Learning Activities (Nongraded)
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